It's No Big Deal

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Heh, been awhile... Once again my motivation was dragged away by the currents. Also Amphibia ended so ;-;. And The Owl House S2 Finale was... Something. (Crying)  Hopefully motivation is back for awhile now. 


A young Lizzie spotted her little brother crying, curled into a ball. She gently approached, and turned to face him.

 "Hey, you alright?" She asked. Jimmy sniffled and shook his head, moving his arm to show a scratch mark.

 " I-I thought they wanted to be my friends... But they surrounded me, and said mean stuff. I-I-I tried to escape, but th-they knocked me into the rocks... " He tried to explain before he began crying again, hugging Lizzie. "I don't like them. Why can't we just go up there? We'd be away from them..." 

 She ran her hand through Jimmy's hair. "Hey, it's alright.. Remember that song I used to sing to you?" Jimmy nodded.

 "We may not have sunshine, or starlight or weather."

 "But we've got each other, and that's even better."

 "You don't need the Sun to keep you warm when you've got arms."

 "Wishes come from you and not a random shooting star. "

 "We may not have stormclouds, but the sky's always blue..." 

 "We've got something special here. And what we have is you."

 "And what we have is you."

 "And what we have is you." They'd finish the song.

 "Feel any better?" Lizzie asked.

 "Yeah.." Her younger seabling replied.

 "I'll always be there for you.." She said, smiling.

-Flashback End-

 "Grian, Scar, how did you get here?! Shouldn't you be dealing with the big moon?" Pearl stated as she got of off her seat to hug the two of them

"A couple of friends needed emotional support. Actually, they should be just around the corner!" Grian replied, with Scar nodding in agreement. The three of them moved, with Scar and Grian standing either side of the archway and Pearl returning to her seat.

Joel came first, wearing a slick black tuxedo with a bowtie hanging around his collar. He gave a light nod to Scar before sitting down.

 "They are here." 

-POV Change - 

 "You go first Jim, Scott's waiting." The Codfather heard his sister say. He took a deep breath.

'You can do this Jimmy, no turning back now.' He told himself, as he adjusted his tie.  Then, he stepped up, up, up.

As he approached the top, a few gasps could be heard, not of disgust, but of happiness and shock. 

 "Uhm, hi guys." Jim started nervously .

Then Scott got up from his chair. 

 "Jimmy!" He cried out, a smile creeping upon his face. The two ran towards each other, and the Elven Ruler spun his love in the air, both hugging the other.  When he set him down, Scott began, "Where have you been? What happened? Where's your sister?" 

" I'll explain once she's here, alright? It's just been a lot lately. " Jimmy stated. It was nice to feel Scott's love again.


Lizzie took a deep breath. 

 "I can do this.. No big deal..." She said quietly

The Ocean Queen climbed the staircase, nervousness pricking at her sides. She froze a couple times in the way up, and the Sun began to peek out.

 Her scales shimmered as light bounced off of them. At the top, she was met with welcoming smiles, if which she didnt expect. 

 " Hey everyone.. I'm guessing I have a lot of explaining to do... " She began.

 "You mean we?"  Jimmy corrected. Lizzie smiled. 

 "Ok Jim. I'm ready now. I know it."

Tell me, did you enjoy your tasty Flower Husbands serving? Did you like the chapter?

Forgot to give you lot the link to the song in the flashback:

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