Mötley Crüe: On With the Show: Chapter 25

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"Hey, man." Nikki said at Tommy's door.
"What I did at your wedding...I didn't... know... how to do that. How to be there." Nikki said.
"What's up, Nikki?" Tommy asked. He had short hair now.
"I was really fucking selfish and I shit on
something that was important to you, and I am really sorry." Nikki apologized.
"I know you pretty well, Sixx, so... I kinda get it. And it's okay." Tommy patted Nikki's shoulder.
"But can you say that last part one more time for me?" Tommy smiled.
"Don't fucking push it, T-bone." Nikki laughed.
"Come in, man." Tommy lead Nikki in.
"Where's Ally?" Tommy asked.
"Uh home with Gunner. He's gotten big." Nikki smiled. "I heard you and Heather broke up." Nikki said.
"Yeah. I think she's gonna end up being the one that got away." Tommy said with a sad face.
"I'm sorry, man." Nikki patted his friend's back.
"Knew I'd get you to say it again!" Tommy laughed.
"Fuck you." Nikki laughed.
"All right. We're going on a mission." Nikki said.

They walked out of a hospital with Mick in a wheelchair.
"Filthy bastards." Mick grumbled.
"How's that new hip, dude?" Tommy asked.
"Feel like The Terminator now or some shit?" Mick said. Tommy went to hold the wheelchair for Mick.
"Touch the chair and I'll terminate you, Drummer." Mick threatened.
"Ready for this, Mick?" Nikki asked.
"Stop looking at me like that." Mick said.
"Let's go get our fucking singer back already." Mick said getting in the car.
"Aye-aye, captain." Tommy laughed.

The three walked into a bar.
"I think that's him." Nikki said. "Goddammit." Vince whispered.
"Hey, Vince. Hey, man." The three said.
"Just wanna talk, Vinnie. That's it." Nikki said.
"Come on, Vinnie."
"Let's talk." Mick I patted Vince's shoulder.

They sat in a booth at the bar.
"I was scared. After what happened with Razzle, l was scared that I was losing
the only thing that ever mattered to me." Nikki said.
"Yeah, your band." Vince said not wanting to talk.
"No." Vince looked at Nikki. "No. This. This." Nikki pointed to the whole group.
"Look, we went to war together. Shit changes, people change, but I don't fucking care if Mötley Crüe never plays another note. All I want is my fucking brother back. Because this is the only family that I've ever known." Nikki said.
"What about Ally?" Vince asked.
"She's apart of this too." Nikki said.
"Fuck. We love you, Vin. Okay, fuck, I love you." Tommy said.
"And I am sorry about Skylar, man." Nikki said.
"Fuck. It's against the laws, man. It's against the fucking rules of the universe." Vince cried.
"Hey. Hey." Mick patted the blonde's back.
"We got you, brother. We got you, brother." Tommy said.
"We got you." Nikki grabbed Vince's hand.

"Nikki. It's show time. Let's go" Nikki walked out of his room.
"Mick, let's do it." Mick walked out behind Nikki.
"Tommy, time to shine." Tommy walked while air drumming out of his room. Vince soon walked out too.

<When Tommy sits down
behind his drums, Nikki picks up his bass,
and Mars plugs in his guitar, something happens, man.>

(It's like a weird kind of electrical humidity. You don't just hear it, you feel it.)

[All I can say is we fucking made it, dude.]

{I don't know how we're not dead or in jail.  We shit on a lot of people and did things that we regret every day.}

<But somehow, we're still here, in it together.>

[That's fate.]

-That's family.-

(And that's Mötley fuckin' Crüe.)

Before Nikki got on stage, Alice pulled him in for a kiss. Nikki walked up the stage. They stood there in a row. They stood as Mötley Crüe.

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