Mötley Crüe: Ozzy:Chapter 8

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Nikki ran off stage. Alice jumped and hugged him.
" Holy shit!" Nikki said before he buried his head in Alice's shoulder.
"You did great guys." Alice after Nikki broke the hug. Alice hugged Tommy.
"T-BONE!" Alice yelled.
"God you all smell take a shower." Alice laughed at the boys. Doc walked up to Alice.
"Oh they better when we get to the hotel." He laughed with Alice. "Everyone clean up and get ready to leave."  He told the crew. "Alice help the boys with their stuff." Doc told Alice.
"Sure" she smiled. "Mick I'll help you first. So guys get to your rooms." Alice ordered.
They did. They always listened to Alice. They were more or less scared of her because she could be so nice, but if you piss her off. You're done for.

Soon they were on tour with Ozzy Osborne. Alice was really excited. She spent most of her free time talking to Sharon, while the boys stayed with Ozzy.

👉the black one is what I think Alice would wear👈

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👉the black one is what I think Alice would wear👈

The band was sitting around the pool.
"Ally!?" Tommy yelled.
"What!?" Alice yelled for the other side of the pool at the bar.
"Can you get me a drink?" Tommy asked. She placed a thumbs up.
She walked back with a water bottle and a plastic cup of rum and coke. She threw Tommy the water bottle.
"Hey I asked for a drink!" Tommy yelled.
"It is asshole." Mick stated. Tommy rolled his eyes.
"Nice bikini there Alice. Never thought you wear something like that." Vince said
Alice stuck her middle finger up to Vince. Nikki laughed. Alice walked over and sat next to Mick.
"How many chicks have you fucked so far?" Nikki asked Vince.
"Three." Vince answered.
"No, not today, on the tour." Niki continued.
"Oh, man!" Vince laughed. "I lost count after that gang bang in Salt Lake City." Vince informed.
"That was fun." Nikki laughed. He turned his head to Alice when she made a gagging noise.
"What about you, old man?" Tommy asked Mick.
"Did you ever stop to think that the slobs who fuck you guys probably fuck every other band who comes through town?" Mick asked.
"Yeah!" "Yes, they do." The three boys said.
"Dude, we're like pussy brothers with the whole scene." Tommy high fives Nikki.
"I happen to have respect for myself and the females of our species, unlike you animals." Mick said.
" Thank you." Alice said to Mick. They all turned around when they heard Ozzy walk through the gate to the pool.
"Let's have some fucking fun, huh?" Ozzy said.
"Morning, Oz." The bar tender said. Ozzy saw an old couple.
"You guys need some drinks, eh?" He got in their faces. "Well, drinks are on me." He turned around and lifted the yellow sundress he wore. The old couple had a view of his ass. There was a dollar bill in his butt.
"Take it come on!" Ozzy shook his ass.
"Come on! It's like a piggy bank in there." He told the couple.  "All right, I'll just leave it there for you." He threw the dollar at them.
"Morning, Oz." Mötley Crüe said.
"Hey." Ozzy said.
" Speaking of drinks. I'll take a refill." Nikki said lifting his cup. Ozzy laughed and picked up the front of the sundress. He wore nothing underneath.
"Gross!" The five of them yelled.
"Hey love! Sharon couldn't make it." Ozzy told Alice.
"Oh it's fine Mr. Osbourne." Alice said.
"Just call me Oz." Ozzy informed. She nodded her head. Ozzy climbed the lifeguard tower.
"I gotta hand it to you, Oz. All these years,
and you're still keeping up with us kids." Nikki said.
"Keeping up with them? I've fucking lapped you, mate." Ozzy laughed. "Now come here and have a talk with your Uncle Oz." The three boys and walked up to Ozzy. "Come on. Come on.Now, this is your first real tour, right?" He asked. Everyone nodded. "I want you to be careful. Have fun, but know when to say when." He said. "Cause a life full of booze, drugs," he started. "and unprotected sex" Ozzy's eyes lifted to Alice. Nikki followed Ozzy's look. Nikki looked back to Ozzy. "is only gonna fuck you up, man. I mean, you take it too far, and you'll go fucking mad!" Ozzy jumped from the life guard tower.
"And give me a straw. I fancy a bump." Ozzy stuck out his hand.
"Oh, man." Tommy laughed. "All right, we're all out of blow, dude." Tommy informed.
"Man, we're out." Nikki said.
"I said I want a bump. Straw, please." Ozzy placed out his hand.
"Okay." Tommy took a straw from a cup at a table near by. Ozzy took the straw and got on all fours. He started to snort up ants off the pavement.
"Oh my god." Alice said disgusted. Mick smiled.
"Oh, fuck!" Vince said while Tommy and him jumped around like 5 year olds.
"You think you're ready for that, man?" He looked to Nikki. "Do ya? Do you think you're ready for that?" He asked the band.
"Oh! Sorry! Everybody else has a drink." Ozzy started to piss on the side of the pool. He got back on all fours and licked up his urine.
"No!" Vince yelled
"Oh, my God!" Nikki said.
"You're a god, dude."Tommy I yelled. Everyone at the pool was in disgust.
"Crazy fucker." Mick said looking at Alice.
"God I can't believe this." She said. Then she heard a zipper unzip.
"Oh, Nikki..." Tommy said. Alice looked up.
"Watch this." Nikki said before coping Ozzy.
"Nikki, please don't." Alice said. "Nik this is disgusting." Nikki went to get on all fours but was push out of the way by Ozzy. Ozzy licked up Nikki's piss.
"I can't unsee that!" Tommy ran to sit next to Alice.

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