Mötley Crüe:White Wedding: Chapter 15

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👉This is my own drawing

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👉This is my own drawing. This what they would look like.👈

"I can't believe it. I'm getting married." Heather said. Alice stepped up behind her in the mirror and placed her hands on her shoulders.
"You look great." Alice said. Sharise looked up from the the flowers.
"Yeah. You're a lucky girl." Sharise said.
"I'm so happy." Heather said.
"Well I'm going to check in on the groom to be." Alice said before she left.

"She's really gonna marry me, huh? This isn't some kind of a sick joke, is it?" Tommy asked.
"Life's a sick joke." Mick laughed.
"What time is it? I think we should get out there." Tommy said. "Nikki, let's hit it."Tommy said. Nikki was passed out on the couch. "You guys ready?" Tommy asked.
"Yo, best man. Let's go. I got a wife waiting. Come on!" Alice walked in.
"Hey you guys ready?" Alice asked.
"We don't know." Mick said.
"You fucking kidding me? Hey, Nikki. Wake up, asshole." Tommy shook Nikki awake. "What the fuck, dude?" Tommy said. Alice saw Nikki. He said he would stop with the heroin.
"Jesus! I'm good. It's all good." Nikki said.
"You're most definitely not all good, man.
But, whatever, just clean... Hey!" Tommy yelled. "Get your shit together. I don't want Heather to be embarrassed, okay?" Tommy informed.
"I'm embarrassing?" Nikki asked. Alice walked up to him and slapped him. He held his cheek.
"You're not only embarrassing Tommy but I'm embarrassed." Alice said.
"Cool." Nikki said. "Let's go marry your fancy ass TV chick in this fancy ass hotel."
"Hey, are you gonna do this on the happiest day of my life, asshole?" Tommy yelled.
"The happiest day of your life? Nikki asked. "Nah, the happiest day of your life
was when I let you join my band." Nikki said spilling his beer.
"Shall I get someone else to stand up there with me or what?" Tommy asked.
"Don't look at me, man." Vince said.
"I'll do it, Drummer." Mick said as he got up.
"I've already got the fucking rings. Let's just go." Nikki said. Alice looked at Tommy and whispered sorry.
"It's not your fault." Tommy said . The three sober men left. Alice stood there.
"Shit!" Nikki fell into a coffee table.
"What is wrong with you? Nikki?" Alice said. "I really wanted to walk down the aisle with you." Alice walked out.

It was the end of the wedding and they were taking pictures.
"Come on, guys. Picture." The photographer said. "Big smiles. Nikki, come on, man." They all lined up.

[Nikki was so fucked up that day.
I couldn't believe he was shooting up at my wedding. At the time, I thought it was just that he couldn't stand to see someone else be happy. So I took it personally, but I didn't know that the partying had turned into something else for him. If you've got a big hole in your heart, then I guess you need to fill it with something, and he was filling it with $1,000 a day in heroin. He was just in a dark fucking place. And the sad thing is, I think he liked it there.]

Alice and Nikki were in his car. Alice was driving it back to Nikki's house.
" Why are you so quiet? Shouldn't you be like all excited to get married yourself." Nikki said. There was still No answer from Alice. "You did catch the bouquet."
"What you think I'm gonna marry you?" She looked at him. "Maybe I would if you didn't pull this stunt. You told me you would stop Nik. Look at you."

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