Mötley Crüe: Vince Niel: Chapter 4

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They got ready for the party. Mick pulled Nikki to the side.
"Is the girl with you?" He asked about Alice. Nikki shook his head no.
"No. Alice is my friend. She helped me out when I first moved here. I owe her." Nikki said.
"I can tell you care deeply about her though." Mick said.

They walked into this backyard party. Nikki walked in front of his new band mates. He stole a whole bottle of Jack of a girl. They got to a table.

-note this is the actual artist for "my kind of lover" the song Daniel Webber's Vince Neil sings.-
"A fucking cover band?" Mick asked.
"Yeah, but I'm telling you, I went to high school with this dude." Tommy informed the old man.
"His voice ain't bad." Mick looked at Nikki.
"I don't care if he can sing or not. Look what he's doing to those chicks." Nikki pointed the to the girls in front of the band. The song started to end.
"Yeah, Vinnie!" Tommy yelled. Both Nikki and Mick gave the youngest a weird look.
"Woo! Thank you. We're Rock Candy!" Vince shouted in to the microphone before he left the stage.
"Shitty name." Mick said referring to the bands names.
"He's fucking perfect, man." Tommy said to Nikki.
"He's pretty good." Nikki agreed. "He does have moves." Nikki joked.

Vince walked to the bar in the yard.
"Get a beer?" Vince asked the guy behind the table. The guy gave him the beer and a girl walked up to him.
"They say you're gonna be a rock star." She told Vince.
"Oh, yeah?" He questioned.
"Is it true?" She asked. Vince smiled.
"What the fuck do you think?" Tommy walked up behind Vince.
"Would you get a load of this blond-haired bitch?" Tommy said. Vince turned around ready to argue. Once he saw Tommy his eyes grew wide.
"Tommy, damn!" Vince exclaimed.
"Come here, fucker!" They hugged.
"Good to see you, man." Vince said.
"I'm in a band now, dude. With those guys right there." They looked over at Nikki and Mick. They two dark haired men had this scary unreadable look.
"Dude, we watched you kill it today, man. You've gotta come jam with us." Tommy said. Vince smiled.
"Come on, I got something going on. I can't." Vince explained.
"Oh, fuck that, man. Listen to this." Tommy handed Vince a cosset tap. "My number's on the front. Call us." Tommy informed.
"All right, later." Vince said
"See you soon." Tommy said walking back to his band mates. "I think he's in."

<Okay. There was no way I was
calling Tommy and his sketchy friends. I was in a band to get laid, not scare chicks away. What did you wanna be when you grew up? Not a fucking electrician... getting pissed on all day, I'll tell you that much. I think it's important for us to... like, say what we want in life, you know?
It's like... if you say it enough, it just kinda happens. Like the universe is listening.>

Vince and and his new girl friend sat naked in her living room. She brought out a plate of powder.
"Try it." She told him and he did.
"Say what you really want more than anything." She told him.
"What I really want more than anything?" He asked.
"More than anything." She reassured him.
"A fucking blowjob." He simply said. So she did what he asked for. Vince's head fell back onto the couch in pleasure.

<You know, Tommy did let me sleep
in his van when I ran away from home. Maybe I should call him tomorrow.>

"Tommy, your boy's here." Nikki yelled across the room. Nikki was trying to phone Alice to see the singer but there was no answer. He felt upset deep down. His first friend he made in his new life was working overtime. He really wanted to help but didn't know how.

Tommy looked out the window.
"Who's the chick?" Tommy saw Vince and his new girl.
"Which one?" Mick joked. Soon there was a knock at the door. Nikki answered.
"Hey." Vince said.
"Hey, man. Nikki."
"What's up, man? Vince."
"Come in." Nikki said.
"Hey! What's up, Vince?" Tommy yelled.
"All right!" the nipped and hugged each other.
"How are you?" Vince said.
"Yeah, man." Tommy said.
"This is Mick Mars." Nikki pointed to Mick.
"What's up, man?" Vince said. All Mick did was pick his head up in a way to say hi.
"Listened to the tape?" Nikki asked.
"Yeah." Vince informed.
"And we got you some lyrics." Nikki handed Vince a piece of paper. "This is "Live Wire."" Nikki said.
"Yeah, I like this one." Vince smiled. Nikki saw Vince's girl just staring at the band. Vince followed were Nikki was looking.
"What's up, babe?" Vince asked.
"I'm just trying to make sure these guys
are good enough to play with you." She explained.
Soon they started to play and she sat down on the couch.

"All right. Stop." Vince's girlfriend yelled.
"Sorry, what?" Nikki asked.
"This music's way too heavy, baby." The girl told Vince.
"Thank you." Nikki said.
"Why don't we just tune it all down a whole step so that he can..." Mick stated before he was cut off by Tommy.
"Let's play it faster, too." Tommy said in a cocky tone. The girl gave him a pissed look. Nikki dragged Vince to the side.
"If you really stretch out the chorus..." Nikki started to say.
"Uh-huh." Vince hums.
"...and punch the top, man." Nikki continued to point out on the paper.
"Okay." Vince said.
"Hit this note, right here." Nikki pointed out. "And muzzle that." Nikki pointed to the only girl in the room. The girl got up and pointed at Nikki.
"Hey, fuck you, asshole! He doesn't tell me what to do, so go fuck yourself, motherfucker!" She yelled over the music they started to ply to drown her out.

Later that night there was a knock on the door. Nikki answered.
"Hey." Alice said. "Sorry it was packed today and Dottie was out. The new girl can't even count money right..." she was cut off by Nikki.
"Hey. You don't have to say sorry to me." He hugged her. But they both jumped when they heard Tommy.
"Fucking roach! I'm gonna fix it! Burn, fuckers!" Tommy looked up and saw Alice.
"HEY ALLY!" He ran and hugged Alice.
" drummer you're gonna crush the poor girl." Mick said.
"Oh" Tommy let go of the girl.
"Hey come on. We got pizza." Nikki said putting an arm around her, walking her to the couch. She saw this new guy.
"So you must be the singer right?" Alice asked. Vince looked up.
"Yeah, you must be Nikki's girl?" Vince smiled.
"Uh no, we're friends." They heard
Tommy go after the roaches again. Nikki sat next to Alice. Every circled the coffee table.
"So here's my theory, okay?" Nikki said. "If we want to knock people on their asses, then we've gotta give them a show.
The punks, they're doing the minimalist thing, so let's take it in the exact opposite direction." Nikki explained. "I'm talking a stadium show in the clubs, man. Like, costumes and lights and..." Nikki was cut off by Tommy.
"Pyro. Flames and shit." Tommy yelled.
"Exactly." Nikki said happily. Alcove was happy, she never saw Nikki so excited about something.
"Explosions." Tommy continued.
"Look, it's a fucking war out there, and the only way we win is by showing these kids
something they've never seen before.
"So what do we call this thing?" Vince asked.
"Where is it? Here." Nikki search through his notebook. Alice has seen him right and jot things down in that. It reminded her she should by him a new one. "You know, it's all about being, like, fucking larger than life." Nikki said. He sawed the band the name.
"X— Mass?" Vince questioned.
"Yeah." Nikki said.
"On a scale of one to ten, that gets a 1.9." Mick said. Alice was holding in laugh.
"It's a play on Christmas. You can use
all the Christ imagery and shit.It'll piss people off and make people think, you know. It's got shock value." Nikki explained.
"I'm shocked by how much it blows." Mick joked. Alice giggled.
"What are you laughing at?" Nikki smiled.
"Nik" she giggled. "It's not the best one you've came up with." She smiled.
"All right then, assholes. You give it a shot, but fucking make it big!" He said passing out paper.
"Here. Use my pen, Tommy." Nikki handed a pen to Tommy. Tommy was laughing like a five year old.
"What have you got, Tommy?" Nikki seem interested. Tommy flipped the paper to so everyone one.
"The Fourskins? Really, Tommy?" Alice asked.
"Yeah. 'Cause we're gonna fuck the audience in the face every night." Tommy explained.
"Yeah, but can you see that shit on the marquee above the Forum?" Nikki asked looking passed Alice, with his arm around her.
"Okay, you're right. I'm out." Tommy through the pen on the table.
"Come on, Mick. You've gotta do better than that." Nikki said
"I've been waiting a long time for this day." Mick said showing his. It said "Motley Crew"
"All right." Nikki took the paper and fixed it. Nikki fixed it to say "Mötley Crüe"
"That's sick, dude!" Tommy said. Nikki looked at Alice for her input.
"It's perfect." She simply told him. Nikki smiled.

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