Mötley Crüe: Sixx a.m. : Chapter 24

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"Nikki!" Alice yelled. Nikki ran to her.
"Babe?" There was a giant puddle under Alice. "Holy Shit.." Nikki grabbed everything and helped Alice in the car. He drove to the hospital.

They walked through the front doors
"Uh my wife's water broke." Nikki said in a panic to the receptionist.
"Okay sir what's her name?" The lady asked. That's when Alice cried out in pain.
"Alice Sixx." Nikki said.
"Okay. JOHN GET A WHEELCHAIR!" The lady yelled.  Soon a man came in with a wheelchair for Alice. They sat Alice down and brought her to a room.
"I'm sorry sir but you can't go with her just yet." The lady at the desk said.
"What that's my fucking wife!" Nikki yelled.
"I know. But you need to fill out paperwork. You'll be with as soon as you're done." The lady said. So he signed the papers. He ended up calling everyone.

He sat next to Alice in her room holding her hand.  The nurses were around getting ready for the birth. The doctor walked in and checked her.
"Great news. Your fully dilated and this baby is coming." The doctor smiled.
"Holy shit." Alice said. There was a knock at the door. It was Tommy.
"Sir you can't be here. She is going to give birth." The nurse said.
"I know that." He said sarcastically. "That's why I'm HERE!" Tommy yelled.
"Sir go in the waiting room." Soon after a bunch of bickering from Tommy, he left to the waiting room.

After what felt like eternity of pushing. The babies head was out.
"Okay Alice. You need to give one more mighty push." The nurse said.  Alice cried out in pain as she squeezed Nikki's hand.
Soon the baby was out. The baby was born at 6a.m.
"Congratulations! It's a boy!" The doctor said. Alice smiled. Nikki kissed Alice's forehead.
"You did so great babe. We have our baby boy now." Nikki was crying.

Soon the doctors cleaned the baby. He was placed on Alice's chest.
"What are we gonna name him?" Alice asked.
"Something cool..." Nikki smiled.
"Not David Roth" Alice said with a straight face. Nikki laughed. Soon there was a loud noise coming from the door. Tommy burst through the door.
"Hey guys!" Tommy smiled. Soon the baby's eyes opened. Alice got a good look at them. They were green. Alice's eyes teared up.
"Shut it drummer." Mick punched Tommy.
"Nikki he has your eyes." Alice said quietly to Nikki.  Nikki smiled.
"Can I hold him again?" Nikki asked. Alice handed the baby to Nikki. The baby looked up at Nikki.
"Hey kid. Took ya long enough." Nikki chuckled. "Here Tommy." Nikki walked over to Tommy.
"Holy Shot dude. It looks just like you." Tommy laughed. Mick smiled.
"The kid got a name?" Mick asked.
Alice and Nikki looked at each other.
"Gunner Sixx." Nikki said. Alice smiled.

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