✯One✯ - Proposition

Start from the beginning

Gideon groan, raising his hands to comb it through his hair again. "I know. I just happen to accidentally throw in that I was engaged to you."

Teresa swore her eyes almost bulge out from her head. "You kidding? Tell me you are?"

"I wish I could say so. But I'll only be lying to you." He sigh again, but this time he held a desperate look on his face. "Please do this for me. It'll mean the world. I don't want to be the one going alone without a fiancee next week. Jacob is bringing his girlfriend along, and there's nothing I'll hate but to see his smugging face when he realized I had lied. Please do this for me."

At the name of Jacob, her ears perk up in interest and curiosity. "Jacob is coming? More of the whole reasons I won't agree to this proposal of yours."

Gideon raised his left eyebrow. "And the other reasons?"

Staring at his in bewilderment, Teresa spread her arms wide in gesture. "Your grandfather of course. You're asking me to lie to him. And that's the last thing I'll ever want to do to him. Lie." She pointed out.

Gideon kept quite, only keeping his gaze on her, as if thinking or studying her. But as far as Teresa's concern there's nothing about her that Gideon doesn't know.

The silence in their table stretched. Teresa wonders if he had finally seen reasons with her. Maybe he had come to his senses. She let out a sigh of relief, as the soft music playing in the restaurant found way to her ear since Gideon practically threw a bomb on her.

But the next word from Gideon proved otherwise. "Chicken." He mocked her.

Teresa mouth wide in gasp. "What? Did you just call me chicken? How dare you?"

He shrugged, "you're a chicken. I mean your resolves were giving in when you heard about Daniel's health, but immediately went high at the name of Jacob." He smirk, while taking a sip from his wine glass.

Teresa saw red. She knew what he was doing, and she hated it. She hated it because she was falling for it. Teresa has a long list of sore spot, and Jacob happened to be one of them.

She hated people believing she still had concerns when Jacob was involved.

"It's been years since I last saw Jacob. While will anything about him still bother me?" She asked through clenched teeth.

Still smirking he placed his wine glass down, linking his fingers together. "Well, for starters I fear the glass in your hands are about cracking with how tight your grip is. And also your face don't lie."

Coming to her senses, she dropped the glass on the table. "Then sorry to break it to you. I'm still not interested. My boss happens to be an ass." She commented, narrowing her eye at Gideon. Which earned a laughter from him.

"Yeah, I deserved that. Come on, I'll relieve you from work for one week, while we are in Daniel's place." He said, with a real smile on his face that touchs his eyes.

Having Gideon as her boss, has been both easy and hard. Easy on the side, that he gives her free lunch, sometimes free rides. On the other hard side, he loves calling out her name anytime things gets complicated. Working in his software company as a computer operator can sometimes me hard. And at time she wish to throw her resignation letter on his face on the days her keeps her very late at the office. Not that she hasn't try resigning, she did. But Gideon never took her serious. And on that part she was grateful he never did, because as soon as her temper calms down her senses collects together. The last thing she'd want is leaving her job. She loves it no matter how stressful it is.

On the topic at hand. She glanced at Gideon. "And after that one week?"

Gideon's smile turned to a grin. "We will go back to our normal life. And I'll break it to Daniel two months after our visit that we didn't work out, that we are more better at being friends than couples."

"Won't that break his heart even more?"

He flips her off. "By then I'd already found someone to take your part. And this time around, longer."

Teresa shakes her head at his word. What was wrong with men and commitment? "I don't get why you won't just be in a real relationship when that time comes. I mean there are lots of decent girls out there, can't you try?"

"No, no. Commitment isn't my thing. I prefer being free." He whispered to her, again with his smirk.

After a minute of thinking, she inhale a deep breath before realizing. "Okay. I'm in." She stretched her hand for a handshake, which he took immediately. Her grip tightened his, giving his a pointed glare, "and no funny business? Understand?"

He smiled, crossing his heart with his free hand. "I swear no funny business."

Letting go of his hand she smiled at him. "Now can we eat in peace?"

"Yeah. Please do."


Thanks for reading!!!!!

Next update coming tomorrow!!!
Till then see you soon.

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