Dr Briefs Made This Episode In A Cave... WITHABOXOFSCRAPS!

Start from the beginning

FRIEZA SOLDIER 2: We know what we said! (fires a shot at the spaceship, with Bulma jumping out of the way)


A few of the children giggled at the toilet's 'death'.

(Bulma manages to avoid the explosion, but the spaceship is now immobilized as it has a visible hole, causing the front window to crack)

KRILLIN: Huh. Well, there goes our ship.

BULMA: (off-screen) What the f**king hell?!

FRIEZA SOLDIER 1: Damn, man, you couldn't hit the broad side of a space barn.

FRIEZA SOLDIER 2: Yeah, well, that's only because I'm too busy hitting the broad side of your mom! (gets punched by Gohan) Gah! My face!

(Krillin kicks the other soldier, making him collide with the soldier Gohan attacked and into a lake)

KRILLIN: Hah! Looks like they're all... washed up! (Gohan gives a blank stare) Yeaaaaaaaahhhhh... da da da da da, oh...

"No." Gohan simply responded, deadpan. Everyone else either booed or kept quiet. The midget blushed profusely.

(Krillin Owned Count: 11)

"Exactly." Gine agreed.

BULMA: I can't believe this... We're stranded on an alien planet... It's like "Pitch Black" only our Vin Diesel is a total bitch...

KRILLIN: It might be best if we get ourselves out of the open. (notices a cave) Hey, look, a cave! (points towards the cave) See Bulma, isn't this nice? A nice dark, dank... cave?

(the cave is heard making a roaring noise)

BULMA: Who knows? Maybe here I'll finally meet a real man.

KRILLIN: What about Yamcha?

Tenjo snorted. "Do you not listen to anyone? She said... "

TENJO and BULMA: A real man.

GOHAN: Hey, uh, Krillin, do you feel that?

KRILLIN: What? The need to pee? Well, they destroyed the toilet so I guess I'll just use a bush or... (sees something flying in their direction) OH, MY GOD, GET IN THE CAVE!

(a large group of soldiers fly past Krillin and co., who are hiding in a nearby cave)

"Wow. An entire division of FF members and you didn't even detect them? What exactly are you good for? Seriously, because I can't grasp what function you serve in a team dynamic." Bardock spat, angry that his grandson was almost discovered. 

"He doesn't serve any function. He's just there, and sometimes he's important." Tenjo clarified.

GOHAN: Krillin! They have the Dragon Balls!

KRILLIN: Yes, Gohan, I noticed.

GOHAN: Did you feel their power levels? They were as strong as Vegeta!

KRILLIN: Yes, Gohan, I noticed!

GOHAN: But that one guy at the front, he was like a hundred Vegetas...

(A/N Nope. His power level is 530,000. He is about 30 Vegeta's.)

KRILLIN: YES, GOHAN, I NOTICED! On the bright side, I no longer have to pee anymore! Lemme go change in the cave...

"Wow, his mere presence and you piss yourself?" Beerus questioned, a small smirk on his face.

(shows a time card that says "10 Minutes Later". Krillin is seen walking out of the cave and catching his breath)

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