Chapter 14

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Upon seeing Roxana, Maria smiled brightly. Well as 'brightly' as she could.

Most of her smiles appeared to be evil and twisted, owed to her natural air of pure cruelty.

"Ahh! Is that Roxanne? To what do I owe this visit from the new lord of Agriche?"

Maria's purple eyes held a glimmer as she stared at Roxana approaching her seat in the garden.

Roxana sat gracefully on the seat facing Maria. "You look even younger than the last time I saw you, aunty"

"Don't flatter me. How's Sierra?"

"My mother's been her usual self"

Maria laughed. "Really? I expected her to be sad over her husband's pathetic state"

"Isn't he also your husband?"

"Lante was just a bastard used to make me live a comfortable life. He meant nothing to me" She said in a rather happy tone whilst smiling.

Maria had a carefree nature. There was also this creepy aura she carried as she talked about gruesome things with a bright smile plastered to her face.

They spoke about trivia topics for quite some time. Roxana smiled while listening to her then changed her expression to a serious one.

"Aunty, I'd like to ask you for a favour"

"Whatever is it, Roxy?"

Roxana envisioned her plan and spoke "Something is about to happen very soon. From now on, can you protect my mother? Let her be close to you so that you'll teach her to be strong like you"

Maria listened while staring at her reflection which showed on the metal table. The ends of her lip curled up in a strange smile.

"Oh Roxy... Being strong can't just happen over night. Sierra has a weak mind. She grew up as a pampered lady who only knows how to sit still and look pretty. I doubt she can ever be strong. Though all of us were raised like that"

"So why are you different?" Roxana asked with much amusement.

"The same reason why you're different" Maria replied.

"And that is?"

"You're not your mother. I'm not your mother. Sierra is Sierra. And I am myself. You are Roxana. Nobody is the same"

"So you're saying the reason why mum is weak is because she was naturally born like that. And you were naturally born strong?"

"No. You still don't understand. I am not strong. Neither are you. Everyone has a weakness and as long as you have one you are weak"

"That sounds so unlike you, aunty"

"Well what do you know. Some events change people. Events can also change Sierra" Maria said while she seemed to recall something.

Roxana didn't say anything but just stood up from the chair. "I hope so. Aunty, please consider doing what I asked you"

"Sierra is my friend. Of course I'll take care her" There seemed to be some underlying meaning. But for now, it was alright.

As she walked by servants stopped what they were doing and bowed in greeting to her. Respect had to given to the head of Agriche.

She only nodded as a reply.

Finally she made it to the prison cell.

Passing Fontaine's cell, she scrunched her nose due to the horrible smell.

"Roxana! You b*tch!" Fontaine cursed at her as she passed by.

Not a single moment of her attention was wasted on him. She moved to the next cell were Lante was chained and lying on the floor miserably.

He was clothed in rags. Arms and legs bruised and bleeding. Several scars all over his face. But all of this wasn't equal to all the torture he had given to his numerous victims.

Lante looked up at her. "Is the head of Agriche supposed to be in such a place?"

"This is a prison cell. Agriche's come here alot. You can really relate. Right, Lante?" Roxana said mocking him.

"But I have come here as the head of Agriche to torture a particular prisoner"

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