Chapter 10

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She tore open the envelope then read the contents of the short letter.

I've chosen a suitable aide. His name is Isidor. He'll be able to get into the Agriche mansion by night.

His speciality is shadowing people. He is my closest aide so you don't have to worry about his loyalty. I hope all your plans go well. I'll be at the mansion once you've taken full control over it.

Roxana smiled after reading the letter. He seemed confident that she'd defeat Lante Agriche.

Immediately she was done she burned it in the fire produced by the candle that sat on her desk.

She then got busy and began to write letters to the most powerful people in the Agriche family.

However, the meeting was scheduled for the day after the grand banquet instead of the day after tomorrow as Lante had asked for.

She'd send out the letters the day after tomorrow.

While writing the letters, she awaited the arrival of the magician Isidor that Cassis had talked about.

When it was twelve midnight, she noticed some shadows moving near window.


She asked quietly. She was proven correct. A man with the silvery blue hair of the Pedelian family rushed into the room without attracting any attention from outside.

He bowed in greetings towards Roxana. "Greetings Lady. I am Isidor" He politely introduced himself.

"Yes. I've been expecting you. Was it hard getting in here"

"Not really. Security isn't as tight as usual"

Isidor then scanned Roxana. His master, Cassis, thought highly of the woman. He had always been curious about her, who had saved Cassis' life.

From the look in her eyes, he knew that she wasn't any simple person.

He didn't want to seem rude so he stopped looking at her.

Roxana sat on a chair then began to explain her plan for the day after tomorrow to Isidor.

"Can you do spread the news like that?"

"I can. But the one with Veritium may be hard"

"Don't worry. Just do it to the best you can. I'll pick up from wherever you stop"

Isidor then became surprised. Was Roxana good with stealth? However, he held back his curiosity and listened to her explanation.

"I can do that. Before then, is their any other task you have for me?"

"Yes. Firstly, I need you to be Lante's shadow before that time. Secondly, could you help me complete these invitations I'm writing?"

Isidor looked at the pen and papers Roxana gestured to on the table.


His master had commanded him to follow any of Roxana's orders. Though the second one was more like a request, he wasn't going to ignore it.

Besides, he had done much harder work at the hands of Cassis.

The next day Roxana was visited by Griselda. Her older half sister.

"The magician is ready" Griselda said. "I've explained everything to him"

"Thank you"

"You sure have guts rebelling against Lante" Griselda was in on the plan of Roxana rebelling against Lante.

She was Lante's third favorite child with Dion being first and Roxana being second.

It truly was pitiful when your children who you trusted the most scheme your downfall  everyday. However Lante deserved all that was coming to him.

"Remember. If you mess up, I might not help you" Griselda said honestly.

"I can never ness up"

Roxana was confident. Nothing would go wrong. For years she had planned for this time. Tomorrow was the day.

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