Part 10

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Lily's POV

We woke up to very strange people in Mama and Mami's bedroom I really wanted to meet them but i was reallyyyyy hungry, so i made Mami get up and make me pancakes.

"Mami can i have chocolate chip please" i gave her my best puppy dog eyes as we walked into the kitchen.

"of course you can baby" she smiled and kissed my nose which made me giggle.

We walked into the living room and i saw uncle Tony and uncle Steve arguing. I let go of Mami's hand and ran to uncle Tony.

"why you guys shouting is it cause of the people in our bedroom?" this caused them both to look at me they looked really confused and i didn't know why.

"wh-what people in your room Lil?"

"the strange ones with auntie Lena, duhhh uncle Tony" this just made them both shout Mami.


"what's up.. oh no Lily did you steal uncle steve's shield again?" she said looking at me.

"Noo" i whined and crossed my arms.

"no we are more concerned about these strange people in your room Wanda" uncle steve pointed out as he patted my head, he always does that Mama says it's because he's old like the dinosaurs.

"ohhhh you mean Nats family, yeah they surprised me too" mami said back.

"Agent Romanoff has a family?" grandad nicky came in and asked, as soon as i saw him i ran at him and he caught me picking me up as i cuddled him.

"i'm sure we'll get an explanation soon" said Mami as she did her magic hands making my pancakes fly into the room on my favourite princess plate making me smile.

"Thank you Mami" i said with my mouthful and she came and kissed my cheek before asking JARVIS to tell Mama her food was ready.

Mama came in with the strange man and woman from before and told them to sit on the couch next to me. That made me nervous i don't want strangers to steal my pancakes. The lady sat next to me and smiled and i smiled back as i put another pancake in my mouth looking for Mama.

It was weird Mama and Mami were in the kitchen with uncle steve and tony they were whispering and i wanted to know what about so i sneaked my way under the table so i can listen, Peter told me that's the best place to listen and we always hide under there to listen to uncle tony and auntie pepper.

"guys it's my mum and dad what else do you want me to say"

"maybe that you had parents would have been nice Nat"

"Well i have parents, Yelena told them about Lily and they came to see if it was true so here they are"

"great, JARVIS prepare.. do they share a room?"

"no dumbass"

"JARVIS prepare two new guest rooms for Nats not so secret family"

"wait guys wasn't Lily sat on the couch" uh oh mami caught on to my secret spy mission.

i was about to make a run for it when  Mama crouched infront of the table.

"seems we have a little spy listening to our grown up conversation" she said with her eyebrow raised.

"I'm just like you Mama" i said with a giggle

"mhmm" she hummed as she lifted me from up under the table, "shouldn't you be eating your breakfast princess?"

"i finished and the new lady smiled at me and i saw you whispering and whispering is rude Mama" i said raising my eyebrow trying to copy her. That made uncle Tony burst out laughing as he walked away.

Mami came and lifted me out of Mama's arms "it's okay for grownups to whisper sometimes sweetheart so it's okay, now there's something Mama and I need to talk to you about" uh oh do they know i stole uncle tony's nanosuit!

"baby the new people are you grandma and grandad they are my mum and dad" Mama said gesturing to the people on the couch.

"i thought Pirate man was my grandad though Mama?"

"he is but so is Alexi baby" she said with a smile

"I GET 2!" Mama just laughed and nodded in response.

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