Part 5

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Lily's POV

I woke up snuggled into Nat holding Wanda's hand and it hit me I called them Mama and Mami. Oh no what if it's to soon I've only been here two days. Will they send me back.

"Calm down sweetheart" Nat spoke softly but it snapped me out of my thoughts. "What's wrong hunny?"

"Nothing I'm ok just thinking" I said realising my breathing was fast.

"What's going on in your mind then?" I just shook my head not wanting to answer but that didn't satisfy her at all. She peeled Wanda's hand off me and picked me up off the bed.

We walked into her room and she sat me on the couch next her.

"Sweetheart I can't help if I don't know what's going on so do you think you could tell me please?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"I don't wanna" I said playing with my hands. I didn't want to make myself seem stupid. Not cool not cool at all.

"Lily" she used such a stern tone I've never heard that before, honestly it's scary.

"I didn't mean it" I said

"What didn't you mean?"

"I know it's too soon and I called you those names you probably want to take me back" I sobbed

She chuckled lightly and pulled me onto her lap. "You got yourself worked up over that?"

I just nodded not trusting my voice keeping my head down.

"Sweetheart look at me" I looked up at her and she smiled softly "we were perfectly happy with you calling us those names in fact you made Wanda cry"

"If I remember correctly babe that was you" Wanda spoke matter of factly entering the room.

"Ok maybe it was me but the point is you can call us whatever you want whenever your comfortable with doing it. Ok?"

"Okay" I smiled up at her and wrapped my arms around her neck resting my head on her shoulder.

Wanda's POV

I woke up alone and heard hushed voices coming from mine and Nat's room I got up and ended up listening to the conversation.

It was Nat and Lily. The fact the small girl got so upset over the names is both upsetting and cute.

'we were perfectly happy with you calling us those names in fact you made Wanda cry' oh no she didn't.

"If I remember correctly babe that was you" I said surprising the two

"Ok maybe it was me but the point is you can call us whatever you want whenever your comfortable with doing it. Ok?" Nat spoke in a gentle tone.

As Lily replies with an "Okay" and snuggled into Nat's neck laying on her shoulder.

I make my way over gently kneeling next to them. It seems we all failed to realise it was 3am so I scooped Lily out of Nat's arms and lay her in her new bed, I turned off the tv but turned on the night light and kissed her forehead gently before leaving.

Slightly leaving the door cracked I made my way next to Natasha who was now lay on the couch with her book.

"Come on babe we need to go to bed to" I said giving her my hand which she took as she stood up.

I led her to the bed before crawling in next to her laying on her toned stomach tracing patterns with my fingers.

"Babe are you ok?" She says looking down at me.

"I'm just nervous Nat what if I'm a terrible mum" I question.

"Wanda I'm not even justifying that ridiculous idea with a response, I've never met anyone so ready for motherhood. Honestly I'm nervous to but we will do it together like we always do" she said placing a kiss on my hair line.

"She looks just like you it's freaky" I say chuckling.

"I know but I mean a mini me is a dream come true" she said smiling.



"Your not teaching her how to throw knifes and shoot Natasha no!"

"Awww come on Wanda where else is she going to learn?" She pouted.

"Nowhere that's the point she's 7"

"I was younger" she said shrugging.

"Oh yes and you didn't have a choice nor did you have a responsible adult there" I said rubbing my temple.

"I will tell Melina you think her irresponsible"

"Don't you dare" I warned.

"You said it not me" I just slapped her playfully.

"Just go to sleep Natasha I have a feeling we may need it with a little one running around" I said and I turned to kiss her lips before lying back down and drifting off to sleep.

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