Part 2

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"Nat you can't drive while holding her" Wanda says as I make my way to the drivers seat.

"Oh right, I'm only letting you drive because I don't want to wake her" she just nodded giggling. I don't let Wanda drive because she's terrible she has such bad road rage but we only need to go down the street so I'm hopeful.

We made it to the compound in no time. I carried the little girl upstairs to put her to bed.

"Wanda we can't leave her in here alone" I whisper shout

"Why the hell not"

"Cause she's gonna wake up terrified"

She stares at me as I sit on the sofa with a blanket making myself comfortable for the night.

"Nat I'm not letting you sleep on the couch" she said almost raising her voice. But this only seemed to startle the poor girl awake.

Lily's POV

I was woken up by someone talking really loud. I sat up almost causing whiplash and tried to figure out where I was this wasn't the room I fell asleep in. That's when I noticed the two women staring at me.

"Errr hi where am I?" I asked trying to be polite as possible

"Do you know who we are?" The lady stood up from the couch and asked

"I can't really see you so.."

"Oh I can fix that" just then the other lady sent a red trail to the light switch and it flicked on. I just sat in awe.

"Your..your the avengers!" I practically shouted

"Well we aren't the full team but yes we are apart of it" the women who I recognise as Nat spoke with a chuckle.

"I'm Natasha and this is Wanda" she said

"I kinda knew that but it's nice to meet you" I said giving her a small smile

Wanda made her way over to the bed I was lay in and sat on the edge facing me. "What's your name sweetie?"

"Oh I'm Lily"

"How old are you Lily?"

"I am 7 so I'm nearly a grown up" I said with a proud smile

Wanda just hums in response nodding her head. Natasha made her way over to the bed and took a seat next to her. "Where's your mummy and daddy Lily?"

I look down and nervously play with my hands not knowing how to answer that. Suddenly someone grabbed me hands I looked up to see them both giving me a sad smile.

"I don't have any I live in the orphanage b-but I ran away" I said looking down again.

"Why did you run away Lily?" Wanda asks

"They hurt me and make fun of my hair and say I'll never be adopted because I'm a brat" I say and I felt Natasha wipe a tear off my cheek and I look up to meet her eyes

"Well I personally love your hair it's just like mine and Nat's" Wanda said and it made me feel a bit better.

"Please don't make me go back I really don't want to t-th-they are so mean I don't like it" I start sobbing now and Natasha pulls me on her lap cradling me and rubbing me back slowly.

"How about tomorrow you meet the rest of the team and we will talk about what we can do" she says looking down at me wiping my tears

I just nod softly and rest my head on her shoulder. I feel really safe here I don't want to leave. Wanda lifts me out of Nat's lap so I whine abit but she shushes me and I calm down as she lays me back in bed and ticks me in. My eyes drop almost instantly and the last thing I hear is. "I want her Nat"

How Scarletwidow became my mums Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя