Part 7

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Lily's POV

"Baby girl wake up" I heard mama say softly into my ear while she stroked my arm.

"No mama it's still night time" I groaned rolling over.

"Princess come in you've got lessons today and your first one is with your mami"

With that I shot up. I was so excited to start lessons with my new family teaching me. Mama helped me get ready we chose matching outfits for the day.

Mama had given me a piece of paper that told me what lessons I had and with who.

Arts and crafts-mami
Self defence-mama,Yelena,Clint
History-Steve and Bucky

I was pretty happy with my lessons mama said that they would change when I got older but these would do for now. She told me each lesson is 45 minutes and that at the end of every lesson if I'm good I get a sticker so her and mami can see if I behave.

We walked down to meet mama in her quiet room. It's where she goes to be alone and be calm she told me I am only allowed in there with her.

(Time skip)

After science with uncle Bruce mama came to get me and told me that I could have a nap after I've eaten my lunch. Mami had made me her soup from her home when she was younger.

Mama carried me up stairs and lay me down in her bed and told me I have 30 minutes for a nap before my next lesson. I cuddled into her side and fell asleep.

(Time skip)

When I woke up mama took me to finish my lessons I'm just tidying up after my English lesson with auntie Pepper.

I finished tidying up and went to my room to put everything away.

"Jarvis where's my mamas?"

"I believe miss Romanoff is in the training room and miss maximoff went to the supermarket" the AI spoke.

"Thank you Jarvis!" I shouted running down the halls to the training room.

"Hey there monkey where you off to in such a rush" I heard auntie Lena ask

"Finding Mama!" I shouted as I sprinted off

I reached the training room and found mama sparing with uncle Steve so I just watched from outside. And of course my mama won!

"Mama you did it!" I ran into the training room and jumped onto her arms.

"Hello to you too baby girl" she said with a chuckle.

"You beat uncle Steve mama!" I said proudly.

"Well I am the best" she said looking at Steve lying on the mats below us.
"Have you been good today?"

"Yep I got stars in all my lessons mama"

"Well done princess I'm so proud of you" she said hugging me tightly.

"Miss Romanoff you asked to be informed on miss maximoffs return to the building" Jarvis announced.

"Mami!!!" I screamed as I wiggled out of mamas hands. Making my way to the elevator waiting for it to open.

As soon as it opened I ran in hugging the closet thing to me.I looked up and was a bit scared.

It wasn't mami it was a tall man with an eye patch. I screamed and ran away hiding under my bed.

"Lily what's wrong?!" Mama frantically ran into my room.

"Mama there was a big scary man in the elevator I thought it was mami but it wasn't" she picked me up from the ground muttering a string of curse words.

"Mama why are you saying all those bad words?"

"Because baby that man is my boss he doesn't know about you, well I guess he does now" she said rubbing her temples with her free hand.

"I sorry mama" I didn't mean to make mama get it trouble it was an accident.

"ROMANOFF!" I flinched at the harsh tone.

Mama just made her way out of my door holding my head into the crook of her neck.

"Nat what's going on?" It was mami I still didn't move incase that man was there though.

"Nick knows"

"Oh shit" mami said just above a whisper.

"Mami no bad words" I scolded from mama's shoulder.

"Sorry cutie" she said rubbing my back. "Well we best go introduce them" mami said.

Mama just hummed in acceptance and we carried on walking. We made it to the meeting room and I saw everyone sat at the table. Mama sat next to her sister and I just rested on her lap.

"Does anyone want to tell me why there is a child here!" The harsh tone spoke.

"She's not just a child Fury" a voice I recognised as uncle Steve said. "She's Nat and Wanda's"

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