Chapter 17

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triggers: swearing. And it's fluffy and cute as fuck. But there's Seb with kids, so ovaries might be in danger. Beside that it's safe to read in public ;)

"I wanted to tell you that wherever I am, whatever happens, I'll always think of you, and the time we spent together, as my happiest time. I'd do it all over again, if I had the choice. No regrets."
- Cynthia Hand

"I can't believe we're leaving New York" Briana stood by the huge glass wall looking out at the planes.

"Yeah, I know" I said quietly. "It's cold as fuck, but I love this place already."

"You spent some good time here, huh?" she smiled looking at me and I nodded.

"Yeah, I did. And believe me, a month ago when we were standing on the airport in Warsaw and someone would have told me this is the way I will spend it..." I cut myself off and turned around, leaning against the cold glass.

"We both fell in love, how about that" she chuckled and I watched my boyfriend who was taking pictures with some fans.

"We got the best men, Bri. He's perfect" I said quietly as she glanced back at him. "I love him so much. And he did it to me in just a few days" I giggled and looked down at my hands.

"I know, sweetie. I'm so happy you're working it out" she put her hand on my shoulder and squeezed it gently.

"So am I" I smiled widely looking at her.

"Sorry I took so long, some fans spotted me and yeah" Sebastian appeared in front of us and handed us both big Starbucks cups with coffee.

"It's okay, we saw you" I giggled taking mine and took a big sip. "Are you ready to meet part of my kinda family?"

"I think so" he nodded and we all walked to the benches to sit down. "I'll be more stressed out about your parents."

"They will love you for sure" I laid my head on his shoulder. "By the way, I'm sorry, I completely forgot to tell you. We're not staying in the hotel."

"Why?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Jamie heard me talking to Jess about it and made a huge fight about how dare I not cuddle him to sleep. We tried explaining that I won't be alone, but he didn't listen. And has no idea that it's you" I smiled softly at the thought of my godson.

"You miss him?"

"A lot. Haven't seen him for about three months, normally I try to spend at least a weekend with them once a month or two."

"Now you'll have more time" he patted my thigh. "Come on, girls, it's time to go, our plane is already boarding."

"Yeah, time to spend another whole ass day on the plane" Briana stretched and we got up with our backpacks, slowly making our way towards our gate.

"I'm glad we took first class, my back already hates me" I sighed at the perspective and Sebastian glanced at me with a small smile.

"Don't worry, Inger, I'll take care of your back."

"Breaking it more?" I grinned and Briana groaned.

"You're literally at the fucking airport, Fia!"

"Not now!" I shrugged. "You just wish you could take your boyfriend with you."

"Of course I do" she sighed. "Chris will come over after he's done shooting though."

"And when is that happening?" I stood in line taking a sip of my coffee and took all my documents out.

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