Chapter 18

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trigger warnings: strong language, sex scenes. 

Probably missed some, so let me know if you found more triggers, I'll add them.

I just finished writing this book, so we have a few more chapters and epilogue ahead. Is there anything you want me to write next or should I drop it completely? 

"In case you ever foolishly forget: I am never not thinking of you." 

— Virginia Woolf

"I came here to check up on you" Briana gave me a soft knock on the door and entered my office.

"I-" I cut myself off, not sure what to say and sighed loking down at the pile of papers I had to go through.

"Yeah, me too" she closed the door and sat down on the side of my desk. "I talked to Chris a few minutes ago."

"What did he say?" I asked and took a sip of the coffee I had.

"He misses me. And he misses you. It's funny how we all got attached to each other in such a short time."

"Yeah" I smiled running my finger on the rim of my mug. "Sometimes I still wake up and look to my side. Seeing I'm alone with cats is like a bucket of cold water. I wake up and feel like it was a dream, way too good to be true."

"Yeah, I know how that feels" she sighed and pushed herself on my lap, circling her arms around my neck to hug me.

"I fall asleep crying, cause I miss him, cause I worry about him and I wake up crying, cause he's not there and I think it's not even my reality. Sebastian works his ass off to finish as soon as possible to come here. James keeps asking me where Uncle Seb is and he doesn't understand he's on the other side of the world, even though we're in a relationship."

"He's gonna be in your arms soon, mama, don't worry" she whispered while petting my hair to calm me down, seeing how close I am to crying.

"On top of it all I had a huge argument with my mom about him."

"Wait, what? I thought she likes him" Briana furrowed her eyebrows looking at me completely surprised.

"She's mad at me, that we didn't come to Poland, when Sebby still had time. I tried explaining I promised Jess to come a month prior plus I had to go to my restaurant, but... you know my mom. She wanted to meet my boyfriend and she doesn't give a shit about the rest. It's infuriating, she's doing it more and more lately, going back to the old days how she treated me. Dad is pissed, cause he was here for this damn war. I talked to him today, he hasn't talked to my mom in three days."

"Was it that rough?"

"She... she said that if I'm becoming a whore, then I should be brave enough to introduce him" I mumbled out and tears went down my face. "A-and that his money needs to be worth losing my family for."

"She what now?!" Briana got up completely pissed and started walking back and forth. "What the fuck has gotten into her?"

"She's herself" I said matter of factly shrugging and started playing with my fingers. "You know what she did to me. I love her, she's my mother. I forgave her for all those years before. But she can't be like that again. I can't take it again. She hates the fact she can't control me anymore. I'm not dependent on her in any way, I make my own decisions and she hates it."

"I wouldn't be surprised if she starts saying shit about Sebastian so you would break up with him, so she would have the fucking control back" she said sarcastically.

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