Chapter 16

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trigger warnings: mention of sex, swearing, dirty talking

"Enjoy life. Have fun. Be kind. Have worth. Have friends. Be honest. Laugh. Die with dignity. Make the most of it. It's all we've got."

Ricky Gervais

"You cannot be serious, mama" Briana shook her head as we were sipping on champagne.

"I'm dead ass serious, Bib. Literally potatoes but in a damn packet. Like mashed potatoes but powder, you just need to add water" I snorted seeing her disgust.

"What the hell is wrong with normal potatoes?" she looked at her laughing boyfriend.

"Nothing, it's just easier. And quicker."

"My foot in your ass can be quick too, but it doesn't mean it's gonna be healthy or better. Don't you ever dare to cook shit like this for me" she shook her head and I bursted out laughing. "What the fuck you laughing at? You probably discovered it at home you stayed in for the past week. You stared at it everyday."

"No, honey, I'm lucky, cause my boyfriend is European, he grew up without shit like this" I shook my head and noticed Sebastian coming into the room. "Speaking of the devil, where are the boys?" I smiled while wrapping my hand around his waist.

"Gonna be there in a few. Don was a dumbass and couldn't decide what to wear" he rolled his eyes. "I don't like how crazy they went with meeting you, doll. I'm confident they will do some dumb shit."

"Then it will even out considering our friends" Briana butted in and I agreed without second thought.

"Yeah, just a friendly reminder there's gonna be Mackie with boobs, Sebby."

"And I'm damn excited about that" Anthony spread himself more comfortably on the couch. "I can bet she's hot."

"I mean..." I chuckled and Briana laughed loudly.

"She went out with Fia for some time, does that answer your question?"

"You're friends with your ex?" he blinked surprised.

"She's not exactly my ex" I rolled my eyes and stood up making myself a drink. "We went on a few dates when we met, but never to the point where we could say we're together" I shrugged leaning against the counter and faced all of them. "We both agreed we'd be much better off as friends and it stuck for sure."

"Should I mark my territory or something?" Sebastian chuckled and came up to me to kiss my cheek as we heard the doorbell.

"We both know you marked it damn well" I winked towards my boyfriend and went to open the door.

"Hi! You must be Fiamma" a bulky man extended his hand towards me. "I'm Don."

'Yes, hey" I chuckled shaking his hand and he went in. I greeted two more men the same way and we progressed further into the home.

"Hey, man, what's up?" Sebastian started greeting them one by one with a huge smile and I grinned as he wrapped his free hand around me.

"Where is she?" I heard a loud thud and saw Chace and Paul stumble into the room laughing and giggling with bottles of wine in each hand.

"I don't know, depends who you're looking for" I grinned looking at them under Sebastian's shoulder and they laughed coming up to us.

"Hey, Stan, how are you?" Chace kissed my cheek and Paul did the same on the other side.

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