Chapter 19

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Mira Forrester ~ King's Landing proper

"Edmund? Where are we going?" Mira asks as she sits in a palanquin with Edmund. After the coronation feast, he invited her along a trip into King's Landing. The reason was rather vague, but Mira has come to trust her future husband. She wouldn't marry him if it was otherwise.

Edmund sighs and looks out of a side window. "We're almost there. I told you I had a plan for dealing with Andros. It seems he gathered quite the host. From what I have noticed, three mercenary companies have been hired by him. Around... a thousand men, give or take a few dozen," Edmund starts to explain.

Mira's eyes widen in horror. "A thousand men! Gods, after the Twins we barely have fifty men..." she says in shock. "I know, my family has suffered as well. We came out better than most since our men kept a defensive position further away from the feast. Still, a third of our men died that night. Thousands slain..." Edmund says, his face hard as he explains it.

"House Frey will pay for their crimes in due time, my love. Those that are patient most often laugh the loudest," Mira says soothingly. Edmund smiles softly. "Wise words, Mira. However, sometimes action is required. I... lured Andros to come to this part of town for a secret "meeting". Here in Flea Bottom it wouldn't be... strange to end up missing. Happens all the time to those that are unprepared," Edmund explains further.

Mira frowns in confusion. "You... you're not going to kill him are you?" She asks softly. Edmund shakes his head in response. "No, killing is not the only way to take someone out. People like Andros rely on something that nobles do on a lesser extent. Wealth. They hold no titles or lands. People call them 'Lords' but only because they are richer than most. Take that wealth away and they have nothing. They disappear from the game," Edmund says.

"I see. I wonder though... his partner Morgryn may continue his work for Ludd," Mira says, contemplating the situation. "Morgryn would have been a problem. Too smart for his own good, but Andros took notice and cut him loose. It seems this Andros is rather too prideful and does not tolerate someone better than himself. He now deals with a Lannister, but the Lannister boy is too drunk on Milk of The Puppy to continue the work," Edmund explains and the palanquin stops.

"Well, we've arrived. Stay close, Mira. Some people here are not very friendly to us high born people. Cersei saw to that..." Edmund says, the last part was more of a mumbled complain. He slides the door open and exits on the muddy road. As he stands on the road, he holds out a hand for Mira to help her exit. She smiles shyly as she takes it while exiting.

Mira looks around and immediately notices the foul smell that seems to cling to the air. The houses look run down and in poor conditions. Several muddy pools dot the dirt road. But what makes her feel most uncomfortable is the people that eye her and Edmund with resentment. It's plain as day that the people that live in these parts dislike all that hold a title or are well off.

"I think we should make this quick, Edmund. We're not welcome here," Mira says softly. Edmund nods solemnly. "Yes, unfortunately. Luckily it will not take long, and our guards should deter most that would try anything. Come, this way," Edmund says and leads to a house that is one of the houses in the worst condition. The walls look unstable, the roof has several holes in them that are closed poorly with wood.

It makes Mira sad that many live in these conditions. Even in the North where luxury is not abundant people have decent homes, and enough to get by for a comfortable life. At least during the summers and mild winters. Edmund open the door to the building. The inside looks just like the outside. Run down, and poorly maintained. Mira would have thought it was abandoned it it weren't for the improvised beds in one room. They do not look that old.

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