Chapter 24 ~ Epilogue

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Esther Forrester ~ Ironrath

Esther blinks very slowly as she wakes up to the sound of chirping birds and rays of what she thinks is the morning sun. From the other side of the bed, she feels someone moving and squirming to a more comfortable position. Esther smiles as it takes some time due to two hands not wanting to let go of her. Esther turns in bed to face her wife.

"Good morning, dear," Esther says warmly, wrapping Talia in her arms. Talia snuggles into the chest of Esther. "Hmm, so warm and soft," she mumbles half asleep. Esther smiles with red cheeks. "Oh, wife of mine... it's time to wake up."

Talia opens her eyes and turns turns red as she sees what she is snuggling into. "Oh... how are you so soft, Esther? I thought, um, that it was my pillow..." she mutters but makes no move to get out of her warm, soft spot. Esther chuckles.

"Well, you should know why my breasts are soft. You have them as well. But you may use them for sleeping purposes if you like, my wife" Esther says as she places a kiss on Talia's forehead. Her smile and chuckle making Talia red as a tomato. "I... uh, yes, thank you, uh, dear. That was a stupid question..." Talia mumbles as she starts to lay on her back.

Talia takes a deep breath and starts to smile. "We're married. I feel so happy and light, Esther. Thank you," she says. "I should thank you, Talia. But I think we need to get out of bed. It will take some time as you made me feel really good yesterday."

"You're right. I'm glad you felt great. And you did very well too, Esther. I hope we weren't too loud..." Talia mumbles as she starts to dress herself. With heavy legs and a few groans, both women start to get ready. "I think we both screamed rather loud, Talia..." Esther admits softly.

"Ugh, I hope they don't mention it..."

As both women walk down the stairs towards the common room, they soon find themselves in the dining area. Elissa greets them as she sits at the table with food and water. "I thought you'd stay longer in bed. Considering the noises I heard," she says with a chuckle. Both women groan in embarrassment. "I'm so sorry, Elissa. We, uh, tried to be quiet," Esther says very softly.

"It's understandable, Esther. You shouldn't apologise for making love at your wedding night. It reassured me that you love each other," she says calmly as to not embarrass them any further. She picked up her cup with water to take a sip. "Thanks, mother," Talia mumbles as she takes a seat with Esther at the table. Both take some of the spread out food and drinks that are available.

"Where are the others?" Talia asks. Elissa sighs deeply as she puts her cup down. "Rodrik and Edmund went to war. Mira, Ryon, I, and the Glenmores waved them goodbye and wished them all the luck. It reminded me of when Rodrik and Gregor left with Robb..." she says, "Mira is in the Grove to keep herself occupied. She is worried about Edmund and Rodrik. I know how she feels," Elissa explained. Esther frowns as she turns her gaze from her plate with food to Elissa.

"Why did they leave without me? I could have helped," she says. Talia looks angrily at Esther. "And leave me! After our wedding!? Are you serious?!" she yells. Esther shrinks in her chair. "Please calm down, love. Forgive your stupid wife," Esther says soothingly. Elissa smiles softly as she looks with amusement at the newly weds.

Talia huffs in annoyance. "Only if you promise to not go after them," she says sternly. "By the Old and New Gods, I promise. Please forgive me," she pleads as she takes hold of Talia's hands, looking pleadingly at her. "Fine. Your stupidity is forgiven." Elissa chuckles in amusement.

"Already fighting like an old married couple. Ah, that makes my morning," Elissa says. Talia looks unamused at her mother. "Who is left at Ironrath?" Talia asks. "Well, the Glenmore guard is still here along with a hundred men. Of course Elaena and Arthur are still here. Elaena wanted to wait here for Rodrik. In any case, we should be safe from any attack," Elissa says.

"I hope everything will end well for everyone," Esther sighs before continuing, "We'll hold the fort till they return."

Nine years later

Esther enters the clearing off her old home again. It has been years since she was last her. She smiles as she sees it still standing. It has been overgrown with vegetation in some places, but she is rather happy that it is still standing.

"Still standing, Ryon's first project already showed how talented he is," Talia says with a chuckle. Esther looks up at her. It is a wonder. Talia has grown like crazy and now stands taller than Esther. Not by much, but still a good six to eight centimetres taller. But Esther still loves her with all her heart. Even after all these years, it still feels like they just married yesterday.

"True, I should have brought Elissa here. She would've loved to see it," Esther says softly. "She's rather content to see him busy with Ironrath. Elissa is also not as mobile as she used to be. You have nothing to be sorry for, darling. Shall we enter?" Talia asks, taking Esther's hand.

"No, I will leave it here for the next owner. I stumbled upon it and restored it. It does not belong to me anymore. I rather visit the warm water spring again. Relive some memories," Esther says, smiling at Talia.

"That sounds wonderful, dear. We shouldn't linger long, Mira expects us to help with the children," Talia reminded her wife. "Argh, sometimes I'm glad we can't have children, Talia. They are exhausting," Esther sighs out.

Talia laughs softly. "Admit it, they are cute little monsters! You love them," she says. Esther rolls her eyes. "Of course, I do. And we don't see them that often ever since Mira started living in the Riverlands. At least Elaena kept her promise to you," Esther says with a chuckle. Talia smiles, squeezing Esther's hand. "Come, I also like to visit the cave again."

Mira Forrester ~ Ironrath

"Sophia! Be careful!" Mira calls out to her daughter who runs excitedly in the courtyard. She walks with Edmund after Sophia to keep her out of trouble. Mira leans into Edmund a bit. "She takes after you," she sighs.

"Isn't that wonderful! Adventurous and good looking!" Edmund softly laughs. "Pfft, more like reckless," Mira says with a smile as her hand strokes her expanding belly. "I hope she'll get along with her sibling."

"They will, dear wife. Everything still feels okay?" He asks. Mira nods, placing a reassuring kiss on his cheek. "Yes, all is fine. This isn't my first pregnancy, and Elaena and I can console each other," Mira says with a chuckle before a sighs leaves her. "I miss Ironrath when we're at Raventree Hall. Don't get me wrong. It is beautiful and pleasant there, but The North is where I belong," Mira says with a sigh. "I see... sorry to keep you away. We can stay longer if you'd like?"

"It's fine. I just miss Elissa and my siblings from time to time," she sighs. Edmund smiles as he makes Mira stop. She looks curiously at Edmund. "Something wrong?"

Edmund motions with his head to a large building that was recently built by Ryon. Mira has to say that he is very talented. Truly the trait of a excellent woodcarver and architect. "Happy anniversary, my love," he says. It makes Mira more confused. "What? I am not sure I get what you're saying. I mean, I am happy to add another year to our marriage..."

Edmund chuckles. "It's our new home, Mira. I am not inheriting anything in the south as fourthborn. So, I asked Ryon to build us a house to live in," he explains to Mira. A broad and bright smile covers her face. "Thank you, Edmund! I don't know what to say!" He smiles and guides her in the new house.

The Forresters lived and are eventually returned to the ice. Many years together, many new challenges to face. But those tales are told by someone else.

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