Chapter 11

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Esther Waters ~ Wolfswood ~ Warm water spring

Warmth. Esther is surrounded by a pleasant warmth from all sides. A blissful embrace. On her left side, Talia is sleeping as her left arms is draped over Esther. Her face is peaceful and serene. Esther can hardly believe what happened last night, but it makes her the happiest person in the world.

The sun is already shining its rays into the cave. If Esther had to guess, it is probably early morning. A sigh of contentment leaves Esther as she stares at the sky with a bright smile.

"Morning already?" Talia mumbles with a hoarsely voice. "Yes, it is, my love." Talia smiles as she snuggled in the crook of Esther neck. "I love that," Talia says with a hum. "Waking up with me?" Esther asks as she pulls Talia closer. In return, a hum of approval leaves Talia.

"That too, but you called me 'my love'. I love that," she says. Esther chuckles. "I'll make sure to say it often then. I hate to be the one to say it, but we should get ready for the day. Ryon needs to be fed, and the funeral approaches. I need to check how to get Ryon there unseen."

Talia sighs, but nods. "You're right. Thank you for yesterday, Esther. I will love you for as long as my heart can give you," Talia says as she places a kiss on a 'particular' spot on Esther's chest. It sends a wave of warmth through Esther, and arousal. "By the gods, Talia! You... you are so bold and forward. I-I love you too! W-We best start moving o-or we'll be here forever," Esther mumbles shyly. Talia chuckled, but gets up to get ready for the day.

Talia groans as she eventually stands. "Gods... I'm sore," she says softly. It is soon that Esther feels a soreness as well when she tries to stand up. "Yeah... gods. You did good work, yesterday, Talia," Esther says through a groan. "Esther!" Talia says with a bright red face.

Breakfast was eaten with Ryon, and soon Talia and Esther made their way to Ironrath. As they enter through the gate, they are met with grumpy Whitehill soldiers. Royland is giving them food that can barely be classified as food. Even Esther pities the soldiers that eat it. But only a very small amount of pity is present in her for them. Luckily, the two women can avoid them as they go to the Forrester residence.

"Let's see if your brother wakes up soon. How's the song coming along?" Esther asks. Talia sighs as she takes out the parchment. "It's finished, but it was hard. Just a few minor things that need to be changed. Ethan always helped me with writhing songs," Talia says softly as she looks at the song text. "I would have helped, but I'm not any good with music," Esther says as she holds the door open for Talia. A quick kiss is placed on Esther cheek as a 'thank you'.

"It's alright. You're giving me something more important. Inspiration and imagination to make something special," Talia says as she walks in. Esther smiles as she felt the soft lips of Talia. "That's heartwarming to hear. I hope Rodrik wakes up soon. We need a Lord," Esther says as they ascend the stairs.

"You're right. Royland is making things worse. And the discussions between Duncan and him are not helping," Talia sighs and enters Rodrik's room. It seems Rodrik is still sleeping, but the maester has treated both the leg and arm. There's also a horrible scar on the right side of his face. The maester was unsure about whether the leg will properly heal.

"Still asleep, it seems. Should we come back later?" Esther asks. "I think I rather stay with Rodrik for now. It has been a long time since I last saw him, and I like to keep him company. You don't have to stay," Talia says. "My love, where you go, I go," Esther says as she deeply kisses her. Talia stands on her toes to deepen it. As they break apart, they smile at each other.

"Come, let's sit by the window and wait for Rodrik to wake."

Talia hums to herself as she finishes and practices her song. As Talia does it, she nestled herself in the embrace of Esther. He back leans into the chest of Esther as they sit on the window bar. Esther plays with the hair of Talia as she looks out of the window, softly humming along with Talia.

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