Chapter 10

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Talia Forrester ~ Wolfswood

"Where will we have dinner, Esther?" Talia asks. "In a special place, but we'll have to go to my house first. I have to pick up our dinner," Esther says, her voice conveying her nervousness. She has also been fidgeting with her fingers from time to time. It brings a warm feeling to Talia. Esther really hopes to give Talia a good time.

"Are you nervous, Esther?" Talia asks. Esther glances at Talia as her cheeks become red. "I... yes, I am. You look beautiful, Talia. The dress suits you well, and your hair is done beautifully... You put a lot of effort into this. I just hope I can, uhm, make it special for you," Esther explains softly. Talia feels a pleasant warmth travels through her and her heart beats faster from happiness.

"I'm sure you did your best, Esther. A-and you look p-pretty as well," Talia says shyly. Esther sends her a bright smile. "Thank you, Talia. Well, welcome to my humble abode," Esther says as they emerge into a small open space with a house. The wooden house is simple in design. The roof is made of thatch, and the walls are mainly made of wood. Only the foundation is partly made of stone. Still, it may be simple, but it looks cozy and warm.

Sitting near the door is Ryon as he looks at the slightly darkening sky. "Ryon! I'm so happy to see you again!" Talia says with a large smile. Ryon looks at Talia and quickly sprints to her. "Sister, I missed you!" The two quickly embrace each other warmly. A feeling of peace washed over them. "I'll get the food while you two talk, alright? I won't be long," Esther says. Talia nods with a small smile.

"How are things, Ryon? I hope you're well," Talia says. Ryon sighs a bit as he nods. "I am. Esther is taking care of me as well as she can. It's boring here sometimes, but at least Esther can cook really well. And she's teaching me the sword! So, I can't complain," Ryon explains with enthusiasm.

Talia smiles. It is good to see him again and that Esther is doing her best. And Esther can cook? That makes Talia excited about the coming dinner. It's clear that Esther went to great lengths for her. Her clothing was spotless, her hair was done in a simple yet elegant single braid. And she cleaned herself thoroughly.

"You look great, Talia! Esther will have a hard time looking away," he says. Talia nods shyly with a small smile. Her face was red. "I hope so... mother helped me... and teased me... a lot," Talia says reluctantly. Ryon chuckles.

"I thought I recognized the dress! It's moth-" Ryon was not able to finish his sentence. Talia quickly shut it by placing her hand over it. "Do. Not. Embarrass. Me." Talia says sternly. Elissa did everything to help prepare Talia. She would have done it herself, but her mother insisted and Talia knew that Elissa would know best.

It was proven, as Esther has a hard time looking away from Talia. Her dress was suited for the outdoors, but still very elegant and somewhat revealing. Talia's neck and shoulders were a bit exposed while the rest of the cloth was pressed to her skin. It was not uncomfortable, but it did help in showing her body that was slowly developing into a woman's body.

Esther was older, only by two years, but she was clearly a full-fledged woman. Her bosom was clearly visible, and her female curves more prominent. It made Talia a bit jealous and worried. Worried that she was... not good enough. But Esther was staring in awe at her. So that alleviated most of her worries.

As the stern words of Talia reach Ryon, he nods timidly. "Everything alright?" Esther asks as she came out of the house with a metal pot. "Yes, everything is fine!" Talia quickly responds. "Okay...? Ryon, I left some food for you on the fire. It's simpler than usual, but I hope you can forgive me this one night," Esther says with a small smile.

"It's alright. I bet it is still better than what I get at Ironrath," Ryon says. "Is your cook that bad?" Esther chuckles. "Well, I hope you'll enjoy it, Ryon. Shall we, my lady?" Esther asks. Talia smiles and nods.

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