Chapter 18

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Esther Waters ~ Ironrath ~ Forrester residence

Esther woke up from the morning rays as she lays in the bed with Talia. The arms of Talia curled around her waist as Talia softly breathes while sleeping.

The previous days was hard. Esther will do it again in a heartbeat. She barely set one foot in Ironrath and the first thing she saw was Gryff hitting Talia. It caused her hatred and fury to boil hot as never before. Killing all the Whitehill men may not have been the wisest choice, but she felt it was the right choice. Royland was of the same opinion as he fought at her side.

As Esther was thinking about yesterday while gazing at the ceiling, she failed to notice Talia staring at her with a soft smile. One of her hands gives a soft and gentle squeeze on Esther's chest. Esther's eyes widen a bit as a soft moan leaves her. "Hmm! Talia?!" Esther gasps as she turns to her.

"Morning, love," Talia says with a smile. "I have no idea where the old Talia has gone too..." Esther mumbles as she shifts in bed to embrace Talia. "Still here! I... just wanted to get your attention. You're pretty deep in your thoughts. Couldn't even hear me," Talia chuckles.

"So you grabbed my chest instead?" Esther asks with a raised eyebrow. "It worked! But... how are you doing Esther? Yesterday was... quite a hard day," Talia asks softly. Esther sighs as she snuggled into Talia.

"I'm fine. It's just... I killed a lot of people that day. I would again if it meant protecting you, but I worry about what's to come. But I rather not kill people when I'm in such a mindset..." Esther says softly, burying her face in the crook of Talia's neck.

"I know, but it's over. We'll deal with the rest, somehow. Asher is coming home. Mira is doing what she can for us in King's Landing... We'll overcome it and after all is said and done... We'll marry," Talia soothes her. Esther smiles as she looks at Talia. Her heart beating with delight.

"So you want to marry me? It's not a decision lightly taken, my Talia. I can wait for a bit if you need time to really think about it," Esther says calmly and gently. Talia takes a deep breath before she speaks again. "I know, but Esther... why wouldn't I want to stay with you. You have been nothing but wonderful to me, and I know I love you."

Esther sighs. "I... I just... Talia, I always had to work harder, be independent, take care of myself... I was lonely. It made me appreciate what I have. The very few friends I made were dear to me. I cared for those that were unluckier in life due to my own background. Even if I never got so much as a 'thank you' from them. So, it is because I care very much for you that I want to give you the time to make a decision. I don't want you to regret it in the future and lose you," Esther explains softly.

It only made Talia smile like a love struck fool. A soft kiss being placed on Esther's cheek. "Esther, you're an idiot if you think I will leave you. When we were in the cave and became intimate. I already made the decision. We may fight on days or something else, but I will always be waiting for you at the end of the day. To welcome you home," Talia says, her voice warm and not a lie to be found.

"Thank you, my love... I'd love to marry you," Esther says with a shaky voice. "Good. Now, we better start this day. There's plenty to do," Talia says as she starts to get ready. Esther follows suit.

Eventually, Talia and Esther meet up with Rodrik, Elissa, and Royland. The events of yesterday will send ripples that could turn ugly. Esther very much wanted to prevent a disaster that will get them all killed. As everyone takes a seat at the cleaned and reorganized council table in the Great Hall. The maester is not present as he is tending to the few wounded men. There weren't a lot, and the wounds were very minor.

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