Chapter 8

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Mira Forrester ~ King's Landing ~ Mira chambers

A few days went by as Mira sent word she failed to procure the Crown's protection. It worries her to no avail that she has no clue about what's going on in Ironrath. And now there are supposedly 'people' that are willing to help. Tom spoke briefly to Mira after she left Margaery to send a raven with news about the failed attempt by Margaery to ask for help.

Tom said he knew people that were willing to help. Mira wonders who he was referring too. A noble? The common people of King's Landing? She would love to know, especially if they really could be of help to her. Mira currently sits in her chamber with the damaged dress of Margaery. Sewing the ripped part closed with threat and needle. Margaery could have bought a new dress, but this is one of her favorites and would like to keep it.

Mira diligently and skillfully works on mending it, but is interrupted by a knocking sound on the door. Mira sets the dress down on a nearby table and walks to the door. "One moment, please," she says as she walks to the door. As she opens it, she sees Tom once again. "My lady," Tom greets her. "Can I help you?" Mira asks.

"I've a letter for you, lady Mira," he says and holds out a letter. "Thank you," Mira says as she takes it from him. "My pleasure, my lady," he says as he bows a bit before leaving again. Strange. Mira was not expecting a letter from anyone. Well, perhaps from her family, but this letter has no seal on it. It is only tied with a black ribbon. She opens the letter and starts to read it.

Lady Mira Forrester,

I hope this letter finds you well. This may come over as strange or suspicious, but King's Landing is not well known for keeping conversations quiet. Therefore, a letter is safer, especially sent through trusted people.

You may wonder who I am, and you already do. I won't write names, for obvious reasons. But know that I'll help you with your problem. Not everyone in King's Landing dances to the Lannister's tune. I am one of those people that likes to see the plans of the Lannisters thwarted or at least somewhat hampered. We'll hopefully talk in person, but I require time to find the right and discreet opportunity.

Know that you're not alone, Lady Mira. Also, it's probably not wise to keep this letter around. It may give the wrong impression if found. Stay safe.

Mira is rather confused by the letter. Who is this person? And how does this person know so much about her situation. Sure, it not a huge secret, but it looks like this person is taking personal interest in her. Mira wonders who it is and what to do with his new information. She does burn the letter in the fire place. Whoever wrote this was right. If someone found this, than it may cause her problems. Especially if Cersei were to find out. She walks back to her seat and continues with mending Margaery's dress. Mind clouded with questions.

Esther Waters ~ Ironrath ~ Hours after Ethan's death

Esther walks back into Ironrath. Her left arm is bandaged slightly, but her wound is covered by her clothes. Better to keep it out of sight. As she walks in, she looks around the empty and quiet courtyard. Most people are sleeping, only a few guards are present. The Whitehill men are also probably busy with settling in, wherever that may be.

In an unassuming pace, she walks to the Great Hall in the hopes to find Talia. She has news for the Forresters. And Esther wants to know what happened during Ramsay's visit. When she was about to reach the entrance to the keep, she sees it open. From it, Talia walks out. Her face shows grief, pain, and intense loss. Her eyes are red from crying heavily. It makes her feel bad for leaving her alone.

Talia sighs a bit before she looks in the direction of the gate. Her eyes widen slight. "Esther?!" she says surprised. "Hey pretty lady, I'm sorry I was away for so long. I had... some business to take care off," Esther says.

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