Chapter 15

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Esther Waters ~ Wolfswood ~ Hunting Lodge

This lodge is simple. It is very small as it only has enough room for a simple bed, a chair, and storage. Most often it is only used for a single night on long hunting trips. Now, it is used as a small prison as Duncan is tied securely to the chair. From the bed, Esther stares coldly at Duncan, who is still out of it. Talia left to get Rodrik, so this matter could be dealt with.

Duncan slowly opens its eyes and starts to cough a bit. Blood leaving him as it hits the floor. "What?" he asks, confused as he tries to move. Duncan looks around and pales slightly as he sees a seething Esther watching him coldly. "Esther..."

"My betrothed trusted you. Rodrik trusted you. Elissa trusted you. I trusted you. You betrayed us all, Duncan. If it were me, I'd kill you now. However, I am not the Lord. Rodrik may have flaws, but I would follow and advise him to the end. Whatever may come. That is how you serve your House. Not this way. I hope it was worth it because you failed," Esther says rather coldly and matter-of-factly.

"All I did was for House Forrester..." Duncan tries to explain, but the door opens. Rodrik walks in with Talia. Esther takes a deep breath and stands up. "Rodrik," Esther greets him.

"You did good, Esther. Talia explained what happened. Now, start explaining yourself, Duncan," Rodrik says as he walks to a tied up Duncan.

Duncan looks up, his face is black and blue from the many punches delivered by Esther. "What I did, I did for your own good. For House Forrester. Your father's legacy," Duncan says.

"But why!?" Rodrik asks. "You are reckless, Rodrik! Just like your brother. You defy Lord Whitehill at every turn, angering him! You're pushing them to war, a war we are not ready for! And having that warmonger Royland as your sentinel. You've been endangering this House ever since you came home," Duncan says, irritated and frustrated. He truly believes he did it for the good of the House.

"That's utter garbage! You are selfish, Duncan. All because you're jealous of Royland," Esther says with sharp anger. Rodrik hits the floor with his cane. "That's enough!" Rodrik says authoritatively. Talia takes hold of Esther's arm and squeezes. "It's alright, Esther. Let Rodrik handle this," she says.

"Think whatever you like, Esther. This man is not a leader. He's a wounded soldier trying to prove he is still a man. All I have done is to save this House, and I am the only one trying!" Duncan says. "Are you mad!? You're not saving us, you're destroying us!" Rodrik says with growing frustration. "Think what you want, Rodrik. Let's just get this over with," Duncan says.

"Rodrik, you promised me," Talia says. Esther looks confused as her gaze goes to Talia. Rodrik sighs as he takes out his sword and pierces Duncan through the chest. Esther looks with furrowed brows at Duncan. "I'll make sure he is burned. But what are your plans, Rodrik? We must do something," Esther says.

Rodrik's face is hard as it looks towards Esther. "We take back our home. Gryff has to go if we want to recover," Rodrik says. "As you say, but how do you wish to take it back? We need men and the ones we have are not enough," Esther says with a sigh as her hand runs through her hair.

"I know, but Royland is preparing the men. Asher is gathering an army. And we'll have the Glenmores on our side. Elaena and I will be married as planned. Elissa also asked Mira to keep her eyes and ears open. Lord Whitehill is planning something and I want to stop it." Rodrik explains. Esther smiles softly.

"I see. We will stop him, Rodrik. Our House is safer now that we've dealt with Duncan. And it seems we'll both have the person we love at our side," Esther says as she pulls Talia close. Talia chuckles slightly. "Well, I'll clean up here. I will meet you tomorrow, Rodrik. We must all prepare for war. Lord Whitehill will not stop," Esther says.

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