The battle finale

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_Author Unii_
Hello there!This is the battle finale,you ready to find out if they live or die?If yes...Then start reading soldier!

We've been fighting for like...2 hours,the army was yet done fighting but we were,but we had to keep fighting,as I fought with my axe I would take little looks at everyone else we were all sweating especially Sapnap,he fought the most people and he had a wound on his shoulder,but he kept on fighting.I continue to fight until my axe broke,great.

I throw down a health pot and am about to fight again until I hear someone shout my name,I turn around to see The Syndicates,Tubbo,Ranboo and Sam running to me.'I thought you guys were gonna blow up the city,it's still there!''Deo and Tommy are in there,plus we have a better idea on how to blow up the city...' Techno says as he does a sort of creepy laugh while high fiving Sam,what do those 2 have install?

I ask them if they have any weapons,and they say that the have guns,shields and...A stop watch...Why would we need that?Then some soldiers run to us and Tubbo and them take the weapons leaving only the large shark gun and stop watch,obviously I'm gonna get the shark gun.I reach out to grab it but a soldier pushes me to the ground and takes it,he was about to shout me until Sapnap comes in and pushes the man to the ground,the man then gets up and takes the gun and shoots Sapnap...Leaving a 
hole at Sapnap's stomach...'NOOO!' I shout as I run to Sapnap and hug him,I look at his eyes and see that his beautiful black eyes were now grey...He's dead.

I drop Sapnap's body and look at the soldier with tears in my eyes,he holds the gun at me...What do I do?I grab the stop watch and hold it tightly,'ha!You think that'll scare me?' He says as he starts to pulls the trigger,as he releases I accidentally turn on the stop watch and I say in my mind..."I can't let Sapnap die...I don't want to die,please DreamXd,someone...Save me"...I blink once,I see green,purple and orange...What?I blink again and I'm on the floor,I look up to see Sapnap alive and the same soldier with the gun about to release his finger,but before he does I run to Sapnap and push him out of the way and we both dodge the horrible death laser beam.I grab Sapnap's sword and stab the guy in the stomach.

Blood comes out if his mouth and his eyes go get as he falls down to ground...What the hell just happened?I look at stop watch and to see that it turned green,purple and orange,then it turned back to sliver...Did I just time travel?

'Come on',Sapnap says as he holds out his hand for me to grab,I grab it and get up to see that the enemy's are running back to base and that Tommy and Deo are back.The enemy's run back to the base,Techno and Sam shout for everyone to get back,and after we did Sam walked up to the left side of the base and place a button on the floor,he pressed it and sprinted back.

'What the?What was that fo-' Tommy starter but was cut off by the loud explosions,after they stopped we looked at the place to see the base,portal and everything else that belonged to the enemy was gone...There were no enemy survivors...We won!
Heyheyhey Author Unii here!Just wanna say that...Actually idk what to say again,I'll update next week?

Anyways hope you guys are having a good day and I hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter,Tata :]

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