The emo girl

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_Author Unii_
Hello dearest reader,I hope you all are having a good day today,anyways remember when Deo and Eren left for training?It's time to find out what Tommy and rest of the kids were doing.

Deo and Eren has just left for training,leaving Tommy,Irene and Aspen in the house,the whole time they were just stuck in their house doing random things,until Tommy remembered something he had to do.He ran upstairs and when he came back downstairs he was wearing a red and white shirt, a brown jacket,pale brown pants and white shoes.'Where are you going?'Asked Irene who was at the bottom of the stairs looking at him with a confused look on her face.

Tommy answered and said that he was supposed to teach some kids about nether,Irene asked if she could tag along but Tommy said that if she left who would take care of Aspen,'uh we can bring him with us...Or we can give to Tubbo to take care of him,but pleasecan I go with you?' she said as she did the cutest puppy eyes Tommy has ever seen.Tommy gave up and decided to grant her wish,Irene jumped up and ran upstairs to change,when she came back down wearing a short light pink dress and some black shoes.

Tommy got Aspen and the 3 of them left the house,they stopped at Tubbo's first and asked him if he could take care of Aspen first,to which he agreed.After a while they made it to a big white building that was about 5 storeys tall,the roof was a mix of prismarine and dark prismarine,and next to the building was a courtyard and cafeteria."This is a big school"Irene thought as she entered the school,Tommy went up to a security guard and asked him a question,the said that they needed to to go to the 2nd floor,so they went up the stairs and and stopped at a particular room,class 1B.

Me and my dad enter the class,and in return they all stare at us.That's until a lady who seems to in here 50s comes up to us,she told us that her name was Mrs Rose and that she's the teacher,she then told her students to stand up and follow me and dad,to which they all do.

After a while we all stop infront of a giant frame of obsidian,my dad then takes out a flint and steel and lights up the structure,then the frame then lights up to a pretty shade of purple.He walks inside and we all follow,when we made it to the nether the heat instantly got hotter and we spawned next to this cool looking fortress,sick...I went to try go inside but was stopped by my father,he told me and the rest of the kids to not enter the building.

We all nodded our heads in agreement,but little did they know that I was lying,I want to find out what's inside and I am going to.As my father talked about this material called ancient debris or something I stuck inside the building and looked around.

After looking around for a while a found a chest,I opened it and found gold,a golden apple and some strange material called netherite...I've never seen it before..."What are you doing in here?" Asked an unfamiliar voice,I turned around to see a girl with short magenta coloured hair wearing a black shirt that had a skull on it,a short black skirt,fish nets and some black boots,on her face she was wearing black lipstick and her nails wear painted black."I could ask you the same thing"I replied as I closed the chest and walked up to her,"hmmm...My name is Denise,people call me Den,what's yours?"she says as she puts up her hand,I tell her my name is Irene and we shake hands,"I like your dress",she says,I reply back by saying thank you.

We both walk around,exploring the fortress and talking about some random stuff,until we walk on this bridge and see a black skeleton,what the hell is that?...It then uses its bow and tries to shoot us but we ran away quick enough to not get hit,as we make out the fortress we sit down rest from all the running.'IRENE!',I look up and see my dad and the rest of the students running up to us,he hugs me tightly and I hug him back,he asks the both of us if we're ok to which we reply with yes,after that we all go back to the over world and go back home,but before we went home Me and dad went and picked up Aspen.

By the time we got back home,I went up to my room and lied on my bed.As I lie down on my bed I can't stop thinking about Denise,her beautiful magenta hair complimented her light porcelain skin,she looked really cool with the fish nets and black boots,she looked so cute in the outfit she was wearing too...Wait a minute...Why am I thinking about her?I literally just met her today,there's no way I like her,plus don't I like boys?...Come to think of it I never really had a crush on a boy,ever...Maybe I like girls...I don't know,I'll deal with this later,anyways I should probably help dad with dinner.

I walk downstairs and help dad and after about 2 hours or so Deo and Eren are back,together we all have dinner and after that we all go to bed.

But before I go to sleep,the thought of Denise appears in my mind again,and I realise,"...I'm in love with an emo girl".
Heyheyhey author Unii here,hope you guys are having a good day and I hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter,Tata :]

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