Last Shift At The 118

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Kelly wakes up extra early the next morning, 5 am, and keeping in his morning customs, he made a pot of coffee

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Kelly wakes up extra early the next morning, 5 am, and keeping in his morning customs, he made a pot of coffee. He mindlessly watches the warm black liquid drip into the pot for a second before he grabs himself a  cup then pouring himself a cup of the black liquid. Taking a slip, he sits on the windowsill and looks out to the side, lost in his thoughts… Well, until a warm, familiar hand rests on his shoulder and snaps him back to reality. Then the lips he knew better than anyone else's lay a gentle kiss to his temple. "You okay, baby? Evan asks.

Kelly takes a sip of his coffee, nodding, then says, "Mhmm, yea, just lost in my own head. That's all." Kelly pulls Evan down for a proper kiss. After the kiss is broken, Evan grabs a cup of coffee for himself and sits beside his fiancé. "What are you thinking about?" He asks, interlocking their fingers together.

"When we get back to Chicago, I was thinking about starting the process of having a family." Kelly takes a deep breath. "I saw you with Chris yesterday and it melted my heart. You’ll be such a great dad and I want a family with you, Ev. I love you." Kelly finishes before grabbing Evan’s hands and kisses Evan's knuckles.

The other man chews on Kelly’s words for a second. "I want that too, more than you know. I saw you watching cartoons with Chris, and I could just picture you with a kid. I want this. I'm all in. Of course, we can start the process when we get back." Evan says, smiling brightly at Kelly. 

"Then, it's settled. We will get in touch with DCFS when we get back, as I'm assuming we will adopt?" Kelly asks, taking another sip of his coffee. While Kelly would not mind a mini Evan running around, there are endless kids who need a home.

"Yea, I want to adopt." Evan says matter of factly.

Kelly nods his head in acknowledgement and says, "We should probably start looking at houses, cause the loft isn't the greatest for starting a family." 

"Yes, I agree. Maybe Casey knows of some good houses for sale in good school districts?" Evan asks. 

"I'll ask, though our best bet would be a realtor.” Kelly takes another slip. “We still gotta talk to Herman about having the reception at Molly's. Maybe, we can Facetime with 51 later today when we have no calls?" Kelly asks and Evan nods.

"Sounds good to me." The younger of the two replies. They get up, get showered and dressed for their shift. Once they’re ready they go, they make a stop for bagels for themselves and Danishes for everyone at the 118.


They arrive a half an hour early to their shift and set the Danishes on the island. While it is still early, Kelly suggests, “Why don't we call 51 now. I'll call Casey, as they are all on shift now.”

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