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Miri looked out her window when she awakened. Tall grass still lined the roads, but it was getting dark.

"We are right outside of the farmlands, beyond the farmlands lies the palace." A guard said as he handed the girls their oatmeal.

The girls all ate in silence. Just past the farmlands... The thought buzzed through every girl's head.


Before the guards' assembled on their horses and wagons, Miri asked if she could fly overhead.

"It is becoming so boring in that little bird cage you call a carriage." Miri said to the guards. "I need to stretch my wings, just for a day."

The guards mulled the idea in their heads for a while.

"Your wish is granted." Said a guard.

Miri smiled and let her wings spread out, fourteen feet, tip to tip.

The guards marveled at her silvery wings, a few touched her feather and exclaimed at how soft they were. After the fussing over Miri's wings, she took off into the sky.


At lunch, they were already at the end of the farmlands, ahead lay a thin excuse for woods and just outside of that lay the entrance to Lonway.

After lunch Miri walked to the back of the group so she could fly to her own extent. But before she could flap her wings, Miri spotted something glint on the ground.

Miri stooped down to pick it up, and she realized that it was a key! It was a little bit rusty, so no one could've dropped it, and it was a little bent from the horses trampling it.

Miri picked the key up gingerly and read the one word on the key. "Secret..." Miri said aloud, but in a low voice only she could here. The key glinted once more, and Miri enjoyed the feeling of it in her hand. Miri pocketed the key labeled Secret and walked back to her carriage.

Miri pulled open her pillowcase with her belongings in it and slid the key in it. Then jogged back to the back of the large group of traders and guards to take flight.


Miri mainly glided to stay at the same speed the others were going. Many times she had tried to go up ahead and see the kingdom gates herself, and was shouted at to slow down.


They went through the woods quickly and without troubles in the early afternoon.

The space outside the woods was flat and bare. Everyone could see the great wall enveloping Lonway.

The guards ordered Miri down and sit in the carriages with the other girls.


"Why can't I fly into Lonway?" Miri asked. She had secretly hoped to be the magnificent flying wonder that would go to Seba Academy.

"Because you are not properly dressed." A guard replied as if it were common knowledge. When he received confused looks, he explained. "Since none of you are noble girls or official princess, you are all commoners. Commoner women wear long, ankle reaching skirts and long sleeved usually V-necked or scooped shirt, a headscarf to cover up your hair, and leather boots. If you take good care fo your clothes and buy new or lightly used ones instead of having a fifth generation hand-me-down, your clothes would be brightly colored. You will see just how much Lonway loves bright colors when we get there."

Miri nodded. She wanted to "fit in" with Lonway commoners, not be the weird girl who showed up in pants and uncovered hair.

In the carriage, all the girls talked. Isilee chattered away with Clya, Espa and Gerti exchanged a floaty, day-dreamy, perfect conversation about the palace, and Miri and Kitar talked about Mount Linder, Timon, the palace, Queen Seba, and Prince Sebastian.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2013 ⏰

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