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The next day was a blast for Miri. She zipped through her chores for the day and went over to Timon's as soon as she got the chance.

"Hey-ya Timon." Miri said. She was at the window of Timon's house, looking in through their open kitchen window.

"What?!" Timon said in surprise, he shot a look at the intruder at the window, then relaxed at the sight of Miri. "Oh, hi Miri."

"What are you working on?" Miri asked, craning her neck through the window. Timon's body was shielding whatever he was doing.

"What am I doing?" Timon asked more of himself than Miri. "I'm... um, cooking! But it's a surprise. Knowing you and your big mouth, I can't show you." Timon replied.

Miri stretched her wings. "Is that so?" She half mocked. "You know you don't have to lie, I can see when I'm not wanted." Miri said with a sly grin.

Timon laughed. "Yes, because I just loathe being around you, Miri Ruth." Timon moved so he was facing Miri, but kept whatever he was working on behind his back. "But seriously, this needs to be a secret and I cannot show anyone. Not even to you Miri." Timon said. His words were official. Timon could not play made up adventure games with Miri today.

Miri's smile dimmed. "Okay, well see you later then." She said, then flew off. Ever since Timon and her were little they would play made up adventure games, no matter how silly they were. But not today. Miri flew higher than she had thought, way above the tree tops. If Miri squinted and focused her eyes, she could see the kingdom of Lonway, even though Miri knew it was a very large kingdom, it looked as though she could pick up Lonway with one hand.


Miri glided back down to her little village. I should go collect linder chips for Kitar's next mosaic. Miri thought. She wandered into the quarry, tucking her wings back in.

Miri darted through quarrier's legs, picking up as many shards and bits of broken linder she could. Once both of her hands were full, she walked over to Kitar's house.


"Kitar?" Miri called. She bumped the front door of Kitar's house with her foot a few times. "Kitaaaaarrrrrrrr!" Miri called again. "I brought some linder shards for you!"

The door opened at the mention of linder shards. "Really?" Kitar said. Her hair was un-brushed, her clothes were disheveled, and her hands were mottled with clay. Kitar was hard at work on her next masterpiece. "Come on in!" Kitar said taking the broken linder bits from Miri. She set them down on her kitchen table, next to it lay a canvas as large as Miri's Pa. "I'm doing a mosaic of a girl starring at a full moon." Kitar said. She had gotten the moon and the ground and the lower part of the girl but not the night sky, or the top part of the girl. "Oh!" Kitar exclaimed, picking up a linder bit. "This has the perfect curve for the girl's nose!" Kitar smudged some wet clay on the canvas and stuck the "nose" on confidently.          

"That's really good." Miri said, clearly impressed. "You must be putting your heart and soul into this mosaic."

Kitar only nodded. "Hm-mhmmmm," she hummed in response. It was clear Kitar was done talking.

Miri sighed. Her golden copper eyes found the door and she let herself out.


Miri flew home and helped her ma make soup for dinner. There was going to be a large, bonfire dinner welcoming the entire village to a feast before the traders came the next day. Everyone who came had to bring a food item, whether it be a salad, soup, meat dish, beverage, or dessert, as long as it was edible, you could take it.

"Tonight is going to be so much fun! What do you think other people will bring?" Miri's Ma asked. Ma had always loved the bonfire dinners. It was a feast no one in the entire village wanted to miss.

"I don't know," Miri replied honestly, "but I hope the Whirel's bring their famous pumpkin pie."

Miri's Ma laughed. "All you kids are in it for the desserts!" She exclaimed, stirring the soup. "I like the Count's beef, maybe they will bring it to the bonfire."


Miri had to carry Claus to the bonfire while her ma carried the giant pot of soup. The bonfire was already starting up, Miri had to keep Claus away from the bonfire.

"I don't want you getting burnt." Miri said to her younger brother. "Do you want to fly?" Miri asked.

"Yah! Yah!" Clause chanted, his arms reached up for Miri to pick him off the ground.

Miri swooped him up and flew about twelve feet off the ground. All the time Claus laughed and shouted with glee.


The bonfire was amazing! Miri ate with Timon and Kitar. Miri had beef, soup, salad, chicken pot pie, spaghetti, and a sandwich. Timon had beef, soup, and spaghetti. Kitar had chicken pot pie, a sandwich, salad, and a little bit of beef.

After dinner, everyone sang and danced. Miri, Timon, and Kitar danced in all of the fast paced and fun dances, but sat out on all of the slow, partner dances.

They all talked nonsense. Monsters and mages, heroes and evil kings, even what other kingdoms could be like across the ocean.

Miri, Timon, and Kitar all had everything there was to eat for dessert. And when it was time to go home, Miri couldn't believe that the three hour bonfire dinner felt like fifteen minutes.


Miri fell asleep almost instantly when her head hit her less than soft pillow.

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