Start from the beginning

Onika laughed. Chariot was truly the only person who Onika could understands that was probably because he spoke just like her. The two of them together had everyone else in a confused frenzy. Including Onika and Beyoncé's other child, Charity.

"Will I be disappointed in what?" Beyonce said as she came down the stairs with their daughter, Charity in tow.

Both Bey and Onika had aged beautifully, having graced the cover of Ebony magazine a total of 3 times for their looks. Bey stood over her wife off a decade with a smile. She was just as in love with Onika as she was in high school. She was her world.

"Hey Bae." Onika looked up to her wife and held her arms out. Her speech had Never declined after all the years she's been with Beyoncé. Rather it was the opposite, Bey started to take the lead of Onika.

"Hello and Salutations Beyoncé (Wife of a Decade!)" What are you doing in the lower level of our dwelling at this time of night! It is 0400 hours in the 24 hour timepsan!" Beyonce kissed Onika's forehead and picked her up. Charity and Chariot stood in front of them, whining.

They both were suckers for love and affection. The little family could only hope that their commotion didn't wake everyone else in the house up.

"Baby, you too loud. I woke up when I heard you yelling about Satan or some shit." Onika blushed. Beyonce still always found a way to make her flustered.

"Hello Second Mother! Hello Charity (Sister!)"
Chariot yelled out loudly.

He was a character just like his mother. Charity gave him a high five. She was more like Beyoncé, and it showed. She hardly could ever understand what he said, but she went along with it.

Charity took the genes of Bey most this time. Though more quiet, she loved to follow Beyoncé around. She admired her parents heavily, and even though she was not as smart as her nerdy counterparts, she still had goals just like them. She loved the family she was in.

"Hi Mommy!" She waved to Onika. "Salutations! I am sorry if I work you and Sweetheart up!"

Beyonce smiled at the name Sweetheart. It was given to her when Onika first got pregnant, and they had a lazy day. Their relationship was confusing to the public, but in an interview they explained that it took many trails and tribulations for them to get together. If only they knew the half of it.

Beyonce looked down at Onika who was staring at her with a smile. It was more of a dopey one considering that she was still half-asleep. She still thought that she was adorable. I'm honestly, Onika hadn't changed much, but they had both matured a bit.

"You wanna go back to sleep?" Beyonce asked her wife.

"Indubitably!" Onika smiled back at her. The word had a special place in her heart ever since their wedding day.



10 Years Earlier

Onika and Beyonce's Wedding Day


Beyonce watched Onika walk down the isle with her bouquet of roses in tow. There were so many other people in the room, but to Beyonce, it looked like Onika was the only girl in the world. Onika looked beautiful in an all-white traditional fitted wedding dress. It brung out all the stops, but it still managed to look simple and sexy, with glimpses of jewels and beading here and there.

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