Chapter 13: "I will come back for you, I promise."

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After getting James patched up, we met up with Moses at a coffee house. There, we got a few cups, and I explained what had happened.

I also bought James several cookies for his troubles in Washington's office.

"Were you able to find out where Connor is being held?" Moses asked.

"Bridewell Prison," James said, running his fingers over his new stitches. "I heard that before we went through the door."

Odd. I didn't hear anything. Oh well. I thought taking a sip of my drink.

"I wouldn't want to leave a rabid dog in that place, much less a friend." Moses said.

"Well, I just need to sell enough jewelry for bail money. Then we'll get him out," I explained. Even though it was past lunchtime, I didn't want any food. Even the sandwiches that were offered at the counter, seemed unappetizing, even though they were B.L.T.s

"What's our cover story so people aren't asking too many questions?"

"My father runs a fur trading business. James is my Brother and is helping me pay. You're his business partner. Because of the amount being paid, you're there to sign off on it too."

"Sounds good to me." James said.

"And if we aren't able to bail out Connor?" Moses asked.

"Then we set sail, and get Achilles involved. I don't want to think about it if he says no."

I swear if he says no, I'm going rogue and rescuing Connor myself.


Meanwhile, Connor awoke in his prison cell with a pounding head.

He turned his head to get a view of his surroundings.

" You." He growled.

" You miss me, swee'art? Wot? Nothin' to say?" Hickey said through the gap in the bricks between his cell and Connor's.

"If you are here, then Washington is safe."

" True, true. Thing is... I believe I've just been pardoned."

Without moving, Connor could see his father, and Charles Lee being escorted by a guard.

Hickey took one look at Charles and asked, "What happened to your face?"

"There's another Assassin running around. And apparently, she has the ears of both Washington and Tallmadge."

"Are you saying you got beat up by a girl?"

"Says the one who got his arm broken."

"So what happened this time?" Haytham asked.

"I asked for her name. She gave it to me, I made the connection about the other Assassin and her being related. And she clocked me in the nose."

"What was it you called him?"

Charles glanced around like he was worried she would come popping out of a crawl space.

"I called him a -"

Naturally, he would call me that, Connor thought, I am just bothered that Nico did not break his neck. We can get to that later though.

"You called her husband that, and you're surprised she struck you?"

Charles didn't reply.

"If this keeps up I'm going to have to write and ask her to Please stop torturing my men."

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