Chapter 7: Interlude

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It was almost two months before I saw Sarah, and James again. During that time Doctor Franklin returned to Philadelphia from England.

The Continental Navy was formed.

One of the other Captains was known Templar Nicholas Biddle. We kept a wide birth of him since it wouldn't be to our advantage if we took him out.

Connor signed The Aquilia up for service. Due to her size, she was mostly used as a blockade runner.

What time we weren't bringing much-needed supplies, to the outskirts of Boston, so they could be brought into the city, we did a bit of... ahem...


Also, known as government-sanctioned piracy. Any ships and/or treasures we took belonged to The Continental Congress.

Though, for our services, we did get a cut.

For my share, I usually chose jewelry. It was generally one piece unless it was part of a set. I avoided wedding rings and the like. I also avoided anything of sentimental value. This means that the priceless family heirloom was off-limits.

This allowed my, well, Lady Olivia's collection to grow. All the more reason for me to go to parties, to get information.

But, I must admit, any book onboard was fair game. Connor and I both are voracious readers. Taking books, added to both the Manor's library and the ship's.

I especially like taking storybooks. The bigger and longer the better. The one that I am most proud of is "The Complete Collected Works of William Shakespeare - Plays and Sonnets"

That volume has kept us entertained on the longest of journeys. When our shifts are over, that is.

On occasion, The Aquilia will have a night where the crew votes on a play. Once the play is chosen, certain crew members will read the parts.

The crew loved it.

To make things fair, we drew names out of a bag. Though if a member doesn't want to take part, their name is removed from the hat.

It's just for fun, usually, someone else wants to take the part the other person passed up.

It was all well and good, had some adventures, wrested forts from Templar's hands, general Assassin's stuff.

When I saw James and Sarah again, all hell had broken loose in Boston.

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Sorry for the shortness, but I just didn't feel like doing the sudden scene transition like how the game did. As for Liberty's Kids, it's only like a two-episode time skip.

Don't worry, it really picks up in the next chapter.


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