Part 37

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It was a silent ride back to Mystic Falls, both of them knew that if Alaric was dead, then so was Elena. Two losses in one day was a lot for anyone, and while Emma felt sad about Elena, she felt worse about loosing Alaric, the last of her family.

Damon pulled into the Gilbert's driveway, he sat quietly for a moment before he turned to Emma.

"She's in transition," he warned her, "Meredith used my blood yesterday at the hospital to heal Elena."

"Do you think she will become a vampire?" Emma asked.

Damon shrugged, "She never wanted this."

They both got out of the car and headed up the steps and into the house. Stefan sat upstairs in Elena's room, comforting her as she wrapped her head around her future, or lack there of. Emma rounded the corner first and saw Elena sitting on her bed with her knees to her chest, Damon came in behind her.

"I talked to Bonnie, she says she's stronger than ever, there might be something that she can do to help you," Stefan tried to comfort Elena.

"No," Damon disagreed, "the only thing that is going to help now is for her to feed and complete the transition."

Stefan glared at his brother, "We have all day before she has to feed. That's a day to exhaust every possible way out of this."

"There is no way out of it," Damon continued to bitterly disagree, "we all know the drill, you feed or you die. There is no door number three."

Elena looked up to Emma, "Your friend Sam, you said he would be able to help Alaric, what about me?"

Emma shook her head, "I don't know what the ingredients are."

Elena stood up and crossed the room to Emma and grabbed her shirt, "Then take me to them so they can help! I can't do this!"

"You don't have a choice," Emma said sternly as she grabbed Elena's wrist and forced her to let go, "Alaric is dead because of you; because you can't keep yourself away from a grim reaper long enough for anyone to focus on anything but keeping your fragile ass alive."

"Emma, that's not fair," Stefan began to try and mediate the situation.

Instead of responding, Emma turned around and left the room. She headed downstairs and to the liquor cabinet, grabbing whatever her hand landed on first and opening it. Damon came downstairs just as she was taking a drink directly from the bottle, not bothering with a glass. He put his hand out for her to give it to him, Emma took another drink before relenting and handing it over. Damon took a sip and handed it right back to her, letting her know that he was siding with her. Both of them looked up when they heard Stefan coming into the kitchen.

"Way to get her hopes up for something that has never happened in the history of vampirism," Damon said sarcastically.

Stefan pointed at Emma, "According to her, it has."

"Yeah, with a potion I don't know the ingredients for and time I don't have to go get it," Emma fired back, "and whose to say I would have helped her anyway?"

"Em," Damon started trying to reason with her, "lay off."

Emma shook her head, "I'm out of here."

She pushed off the counter and walked out the front door. Without a sense of where she was going, Emma began walking down the sidewalk in a daze. Her thoughts were catching up with her whether she was ready for them or not. Everything seemed to blur around her, her sense of time seemed to disappear completely. She barely had time to gasp when someone came up behind her and put their arms around her, trying to incapacitate her.

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