"Guess I shouldn't tell him about the Wedigos, Djinns, and Shapeshifters," Emma said quietly.

Alaric shook his head, "Leave the big monsters to the Winchesters."

"I'm calling Dean later."

"Why?" Alaric asked shocked.

"Because Lexi still hasn't called me," Emma explained, "I really think she could step in and help."

"Um, Em..." Alaric racked his brain for an easy way to explain to Emma what had happened but he was interrupted.

"Guys, let's go," Jeremy called from the car.

Emma perked up and headed towards the back seat, Alaric put his head down and followed, he jumped into the passenger seat. Jeremy pulled out of the hospital as soon as everyone was back in and headed to the Gilbert's house.

Damon was sitting on the couch across from Elena when the three of them walked in. Emma immediately went over to Damon and sat on his lap, giving him a quick kiss, he wrapped his arms around her waist. Alaric rolled his eyes and sat down next to Elena. Jeremy headed upstairs to his room without speaking to anyone.

Emma heard Elena sigh sadly and looked over to her, she looked like she was about to break down.

"Elena?" Emma started to ask what was wrong but didn't get a chance, Damon grabbed her hips and moved her off of him and onto her own couch cushion.

Damon and Elena stood up and started to walk upstairs, Emma looked over at Alaric but he was already moving to join them on the second floor, Emma followed him. Elena knocked on the door frame of Jeremy's room and went inside while Damon stayed out in the hallway for a minute.

"Hey," Elena tried to seem casual, "can we talk."

Jeremy set down his notebook and looked at her annoyed, "What did I do now?"

"I've been thinking about what you said earlier, about how we should pack up and go," Elena looked down at her feet for a moment, trying to keep herself together.

At the mention of leaving Emma looked at Damon, he gave her a half hearted smile so Emma cocked her head to the side to show him she was confused, Damon just put his finger to his lips to shush her.

"Elena," Jeremy tried to reason with his sister, "I didn't mean any of that."

"But you were right, you shouldn't have to give up a normal life," Elena paused to compose herself, "just because of me."

"What's going on?" Jeremy asked sternly as Damon entered the room and sat on Jeremy's bed, Emma moved to where Damon was standing in the doorway peering in.

"Your sister thinks we should have one of our talks," Damon began before forcing the boy's attention to his eyes, giving him a look he couldn't help but be mesmerized by, "here's the thing, Jer. You're gonna go out of town for a while, a long while. You're gonna stay with some nice family friends in Denver, you're gonna be at a new school, you'll meet new girls, living girls. You're going to drink a few beers, take an art class. You do whatever you want."

Emma put her hand over her mouth in shock as she realized what Elena was allowing Damon to do.

"Tell him he is going to leave Mystic Falls behind and never think twice about it," Alaric added, Elena nodded in agreement when Damon looked for confirmation.

"You're gonna leave Mystic Falls behind and never think twice about it. You're gonna have a better life Jeremy," Damon finally broke eye contact with Jeremy making the compulsion set in stone.

Emma was shocked when Elena grabbed her and hugged her for support, it took her a moment to react and put her arms around her to hug her back. Damon gave Emma that same half hearted smile as he passed the girls and let Alaric enter the room to help Jeremy start to pack. After a long minute Elena let go of Emma and excused herself to her room. Emma said a quick 'good-bye' to Alaric and Jeremy before she walked downstairs and out the front door. Damon was sitting on the top step, waiting for her.

"Hi," she said quietly as she sat next to him and leaned over to rest her head on his shoulder.

Damon kissed her forehead, "Hey, you holding up okay?"

"You could say that," Emma nodded, "just wish I could have done that for Katie."

"Maybe," Damon sighed, "you guys were like peas in a pod though."

"Yeah, and now I'm just the little lonely pea that got left on the plate because it doesn't stay still long enough for you to stab it."

Damon sighed sadly and stood up, offering his hand to Emma, "Let's go home little pea."

She nodded and took it, Damon wrapped her in a half hug while they walked back to his car. He opened the passenger door for her and she slid in. When Damon got into the driver's seat he reached over to Emma and grabbed her hand, lifting it to his lips and kissing the back of it softly, a chill went down Emma's back at the sensation. Both of them were suddenly impatient to be at the boarding house.

The ride back felt like it took forever to Emma, although she was well aware that Damon was speeding. As soon as they were back at the house Damon pulled Emma through the halls and up into his room.

Even though she was much weaker than him, Damon allowed her to pin him against the wall next to the door of his room, her hands tangled his hair as she held him against her, kissing him softly. She let him move his lips to her neck and along her jawline before connecting with her lips again. Damon's need for dominance overwhelmed him and he grabbed Emma by her hips and moved her so she was against the wall, pinned and at his mercy. He held Emma tightly against him, his kisses becoming feverish and his body became desperate to have her beneath him. The promise of her continued touch was the only thing that gave him the willpower to break away from her and pull her towards his bed.

Wayward Heart: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now