Chapter Thirty: The "Cool" Group.

Start from the beginning

My eyes widened when straddled me, "You can't be serious," I chuckled and burst into giggles when we were suddenly flipped over.

Now I was the one on top and rolling back over was pointless because he had his arms wrapped around me, I could tell I wasn't going anywhere soon. That didn't mean I couldn't try though.

"Unhand me, you villain!" I said in between laughing and trying to wriggle from his grasp. Even my hair was in on the game because it was all over my face at the moment.

"Um... no"

"How poetic."

"I'm talented like that."

I smiled and get my head fall onto his chest. Who was I kidding? I wanted to stay here.
He smelled like aftershave and soap and Angelo.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you didn't want me to go out." I said quietly.

"And share you with everyone else?" He murmured. "No, I want you all to myself."

My belly fluttered with butterflies and I smiled to myself. There was just something about the way he could simply put his feelings into straightforward sentences, I could never do that without sounding stupid.

"Hmm, unfortunately for you, I have Bff's who would probably attempt to murder us when we reach school today" I said and dropped a quick kiss on his chest. He took in a sharp breath in surprise and I took that as my cue to roll off.

It made me giddy to think I had an effect on him like that.

I heard him clear his throat before speaking, "While we're on the subject of angry best friends, you have about nineteen missed calls and..."

"Oh no, they really are going to kill me!" I said and jumped off the bed to start hopping to the bathroom as quickly as possible.

"If you hurt yourself, I'll do the killing." He said just loud enough for me to hear.

"I'm not that clumsy... whoa!" I nearly lost my balance but recovered just in time.

"Ay Violet!" Angelo said, sitting up suddenly.

I snickered, turning around. "Did I just almost get you to speak Spanish?"

His shoulders relaxed in relief before he stood up and crossed the room in a few strides to me.
"I actually don't trust you to not kill yourself while trying to take a shower sometimes." He said more to himself than to me as he tugged down the blanket so my arms were free.

"Can you say that in Spanish?" I giggled.

Angelo frowned, "No. Now muévete. Ve a ducharte, querida." Holding my face in one hand, he leaned down and kissed my forehead, his cold rings pressing against my skin.
I probably felt that more than I should have.

"I'll be in the kitchen when you're done. Come back to me?" He said quietly.

"Yeah..." I nodded, why did he even have to leave? And why did I sound so clingy even in my own head?

My phone buzzed on the table near the sofas and I immediately turned to walk straight into the bathroom, waiting much longer would only make it worse.


"You! Can't! Just! Go! AWOL! Like! That!" Annie exclaimed with every whack she gave me with her science textbook.

"Ow! Annie it was just one day!" I whined, trying to escape her fury.

"Enough time to declare you missing!" Susan put in from behind the camera in her hand.

Annie continued with the whacking, "Enough! Time! To Declare! You! Missing!"

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