Chapter 4

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A/N Not edited

Elena's day went as slow as ever, like a snail slowly inching towards a piece of lettuce, in her case, she was the snail, and the lettuce was the reward, the reward being her room, one of the only places she found peaceful. Avira barely noticed that the day had gone by, she even seemed to daydream from reading her book. She shook her head, closed her novel, and headed towards the showers, there it was. That strange shadow appearing through the curtains displaying itself on her dorm room floor, she rushed towards the window aggressively pulling her curtains open, only to be met with a beautiful red and yellow sunset. But that wasn't all.

She saw a rather large feather slowly falling on the window sill she watched it fall side to side until it carefully hit the floor, Elena opened her windows slightly, being careful not to blow it away, she reached her fingers out the slight crack and snatched the feather from its resting place. Strange. She thought she had been imagining everything from the face in the roots and the shadows she had seen, she had been sort of out of it lately and couldn't think straight but this feather just proved that she wasn't crazy...

the next few days she found herself more alert, and wary of her actions, so she tried to carefully pay attention in class. every single minute of the day, she wondered what animal could've produced a feather larger than any bird she had ever seen, it wouldn't leave her mind, and the strange shadow never appeared again.

The next few months, she found herself losing her mind every single day, by that time, she might as well have finished reading the whole section on animals and mythical creatures in her boarding school's library. But this couldn't go on for long...

she strived to stop and forget about it and started believing that the tiredness had gotten her daydreaming, she had even forgotten where the feather went. As she sat underneath her usual tree at lunch, she started making shadow puppets of birds, Elena played with the dappled light coming through in boredom as she giggled at the funny-shaped animals she created with her hands, but suddenly another pair of hands from above-made shadow puppets, moving their hands into a birds wings flapping in the breeze, at first Elena thought is was funny, she looked up and saw nothing.

 absolutely nothing, not even a glimpse of their hair or legs.She started calling out to the person or thing above her but they didn't answer, yelled once again, and moved to get a better view of who she was talking to but what she saw was not funny at all.

she stepped back, taking in the full sight of what was above her. It was a creature with the silhouette of an angel, but its features were indistinct, shrouded in shadow. She knew it was dangerous, but also felt drawn to it as if it held some kind of power.

 The creature's wings were so expansive that they seemed to stretch out infinitely, blocking out the setting and the clouds. The wind picked up, rustling the leaves in the trees, and the creature's wings began to flap, creating an intense gust of wind. her hair whipped around her face, and she shielded her eyes as the creature lifted off the ground, soaring higher into the sky.

As she analyzed the creature, it became even more confusing. Its large, black wings seemed to cover its face, and when it realized she had stopped giggling, it looked down at her with an almost human-like curiosity. For a moment, she caught a glimpse of its masked face before it started flapping its wings and disappeared into the night.

The sound of a creepy bell rang from her school, startling her. She quickly turned her head to see if anyone else had noticed, but by the time she looked back at the tree, the shadow creature was gone, leaving her with an eerie feeling of uncertainty. She realized that this creature was no ordinary being. The way it moved, the way it looked at her, it was almost as if it had a mind of its own. She couldn't shake the feeling that the creature was watching her, waiting for the right moment to reveal itself again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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