"Who's your favorite?" She asks while looking at the boys. I pucker my lips and say, "Luke. His eyes are to die for." She nods. "Yeah he does have pretty eyes." I look at the boys who look towards us. "Who's your favorite Tesa?" She turns to me and stops staring at Cal. I can tell he's her favorite just by the way she was looking at him.

"Calum. I just love him. He's hot and I just love his accent and his hair." I laugh and we just talked and got to know each other a little better. She asked me who was my least favorite and truth be told, I said Luke. She gasped and then tilted her head to the side. "I thought you said he was your favorite?" She asks. I laugh, "I did, but he is also my least favorite because of how he is sometimes."

"Really how so?" She asks while taking a picture of the Cal smiling. I smile and see Calum give her a smirk before turning towards one of the cameras. She melts on the spot and I shake my head. She turns around and waits for my answer. I look to the boys and then I thought screw it, I'll just wing it.

"Well sometimes he does immature things and gets into a lot of trouble and sometimes his ego's too big for his own good." She nods and now there's only a few people in front of us. Some of them turned around and glared since I said that about Luke. I don't really care being that I already told him it to his face.

Tesa turns around and we talk until we're up next. There is two people behind us and I told Tesa. "Hey we should let those people go first so then we have the most time in the end. So you can get a kiss from Calum." She looks at the two people and then nods. She tells them they can go in front of us. They gladly accept and after a few minutes it's our turn. She turns to me holding out her phone. "Would you mind?" I take it and then she scurries over to the boys and stands by Cal. Her grin widens when he puts his arm around her. I take a few pictures and even take a funny one.

She's about to walk away, but I shake my head and tell Cal, "She wants a kiss too." Tesa flushes and walks over to me. She tries to grab her phone, but I hold it away from her grasp. She groans and I nod towards the blushing Cal. She walks over to Cal and stands next to him. He smirks and grabs her by the waist and tilts her head up with one hand. He kisses her on the lips and I snap the photo. He pulls away after a few seconds and she's left breathless. I can tell Cal likes her because he's looking at her the way Luke looks at me and the way Mikey looks at Maia.

She walks over to me and I hand over her phone. She pushes me towards them and tells me to smile. I groan and stand next to Mikey. Luke moves and stands next to me. I pout and Tesa snaps the photo. Luke pulls me into his side and kisses me with a full-blown kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and he pulls me closer by my waist.

I pull away from Luke and take a step back. I look over to Tesa and see her with a smug look on her face. I roll my eyes and then I hear Zach's voice. "Hey Tesa. There you are." I whip around to see Zach pulls Tesa into a hug. They pull apart and Zach turns to us. "Guys this is my cousin Theresa or Tesa for short." My jaw drops and I start laughing.

"W-wait she's your cousin?" I ask. Zach nods and I laugh again. I walk up to Tesa and re-introduce myself. "My real name is Olivia, Liv for short." I turn to Zach, "I can't believe you didn't tell me your cousin was coming." Tesa looks in-between the two of us. "How do you guys know each other?"

"Zach's my friend. My name is Liv and I told you my name was Jane because I thought you were just some fan that I couldn't trust with my true name. Everything else I told you was true though." She looks at me and the boys. "Wait so when you said Luke was your least favorite you weren't kidding?" I hear Cal, Mikey, and Ash snicker. "You said that?" Luke asks. Well more like whines. I nod, "Yeah I said that. I love you, but you are the biggest pain in the ass I have ever met and you let your ego get to your head sometimes."

His frown deepens, "I am really your least favorite?" I shake my head. "No but I'm not going to tell anyone who my favorite and my least favorite is. Plus isn't it somewhere in the handbook that I have to say your my favorite." He kisses me and mutters, "Yes," against my lips. I smile and pull away, biting my lip in the process.

Tesa starts squealing and I cover my ears. Zach groans and Cal walks to her and starts kissing her. He pulls away after the longest kiss in history. She blushes and instantly looks down. I laugh and add in, "Oh yeah if you didn't already figure it out, Luke and I are together. Oh and Maia, Mikey's girl, is somewhere around here, but Calum is all yours." She blushes an even darker red and I just laugh. "We still up for pizza?" Michael asks. We all exchange looks and nod. "Tesa you in?" I ask. She looks at Zach and then nods.

The boys left to go and pack up their things. I stayed with Tesa and Maia found us a couple of minutes later. I introduced them and we all talked. I don't know how we got to talking about our relationships and all, but I asked Maia, "So are you and Mikey going official?" She blushed and then looked around to see if the boys were near. "I don't know. I mean do I want to have people follow me around and stock me?" I laugh and nod my head, "That's why Luke and I's relationship isn't public."

The boys choose this moment to walk back to us. We stop talking about them and then all give us funny looks. Maia and Tesa blush, but I don't. I'm kind of used to it already. Luke pulls me into his side and Mikey wraps his arm around Maia from behind her. Cal walks over to Tesa and swings his arm over her shoulder. Ashton walks over to Zach and throws his arm over Zach's shoulder, "I guess we're the losers without girls." They both laugh and start skipping towards the exit. I pull out my phone and take a picture of them.

I sign into Luke's twitter and post the picture and tweet:

I guess Ash found his new bud.

I show it to Luke and he laughs. I smirk, "Oh I'm glad you find this funny cause it's posted on yours." He kisses my temple and drags me out the door, after the others.

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