Chapter Fourty: Birthday Party

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Waking up in her dorm, Kumiko began her day with her usual stretches. Hearing the clank of her handcuffs hit the headboard reminded Kumiko of their predicament.

"Good morning Miko. How did you sleep?" Hiroko asked, her hair frumpy and curls out in the open.

"Hey Roko. I slept well enough, and you?"

"I slept alright. Are you ready for a new day of searching?"

"No but that's never mattered before. Sigh, let's go get ready."

Standing, Kumiko got off the bed first and was followed by her bed partner. Entering the bathroom, Kumiko brushed her teeth as Hiroko brushed her hair. Getting her breath minty fresh, Kumiko waited patiently for Hiroko to calm her frizzy curled hair before they switched.

Having enough of their pajamas yesterday, the two girls actually got dressed today, though very slowly. Kumiko found some button up shirts and handed one to Hiroko, doing her best to keep her eyes from the pretty blond. Then, grabbing yoga pants, she passed a pair to her friend. Finally the two girls were dressed after taking three times long as usual.

Putting their usual shoes on, the two left the room, both taking their cardkeys with them.

Walking along the hallways, the girls made their way to the kitchen to see a bizarre scene.

Misaki was hanging upside down from a pipe near the ceiling, with Ryozo on the ground, watching the clock and timing her. Gin and Akiko were throwing grapes in each other's mouths and if one missed, they doused the other in whipped cream. And finally Kaori and Aiyanna were setting a giant four tier cake down in the center of the table with candles surrounding the cake.

"Uh... hiya?"

"Hey birthday girl! Morning little miss!" Misaki blew a party favor at the two girls, still hanging upside down.

"Wait how did you guys know it was my birthday?" Kumiko looked and sounded confused.

"Shockbolt." Everyone said simultaneously.

"Happy birthday hottie! How old are ya now? 16, 17?" Shockbolt spoke from behind, surprising the Researcher and fire dancer.

"Um I'm 17 now." Kumiko rubbed the back of her neck, going red at the attention.

"Damn 17 already? You don't got saggy ti- OW!"

Kumiko was pleasantly shocked when Gin strode over to the beast, whacking the back of its head. "Don't be gross, it's bad enough we're chained to each other and in this damn game still."


"Scrap heap." Gin shot back.

"Well don't forget you'll never find the keys if you stay here all day! Times-a ticking!"

Disappearing once again, the four groups were left alone without their tormentor.

"H, hi Kumiko. W, we made you a b,buttercream frosted chocolate and s, strawberry cake. H, happy borthday!" Kaori shouted, his cheeks pink as he handed her a card.

Opening the card, Kumiko internally swooned that all her friends had been so thoughtful.

Have a great day Chica!
-Misaki Domen

Hey Spitfire. Hope you have a good bday.
-Ryozo Jin

Love you lots, friend!
-Kaori Tsinga

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