Chapter Thirty Nine: Storm

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"What floor did you assign Ryozo and Misaki to?!" Kumiko looked to Hiroko for answers.

"It was the third floor!" Hiroko answered.

Without wasting a moment, the two girls sprinted down the flight of stairs from the fourth floor to the third. Lightning flashed outside the windows and another boom of thunder was heard.


Ryozo hang on, we're on our way!

Jumping down the last few steps, Kumiko swiveled her head a few times before shouting "MISAKI! RYOZO! Where are you guys!"

She waited only two seconds before Misaki's distinct voice wavered back at them. "We're in the art room!"

Running full speed, the two quickly arrived at the art room. Skidding to a stop, Hiroko threw open the door and the two rushed inside.

Ryozo sat on the floor, covering his ears, with his knees to his chest and rocking back and forth, shaking slightly. Misaki kneeled next to him, offering comfort in the way of back rubs, looking for help to the girls.

"It's okay Ry, look. Kumiko and Hiroko are here to help, so don't be scared. Everything's okay." Misaki said before another boom was heard, wind whistling in through a slightly opened window.


Hiroko had a look of understanding pass through her honey golden eyes. "It's the thunder. He doesn't like thunder."

Kumiko walked forward, Hiroko joining her, before she kneeled next to Ryozo, fishing something out of her pocket.

Tapping Ryozo on the shoulder, she got his attention and grabbed his hand gently, placing an item inside of his opened palm.

Looking down at the fire themed stress ball, he was surprised.

"Someone once told me to use that if I get a really bad anxiety attack... but I think you can use that more than I can for right now." She gave a small, encouraging smile to the tattoo artist.

Looking at her tearfully, Ryozo managed a small, shaky smile and with his item pressed to his chest, he managed a whisper. "Thanks Spitfire. I appreciate you."

"Are you okay? The storm seems to have died down a bit for now though it may start up again later." Misaki asks, peeking out of the window.

"Yo guys, me and Akiko came when we heard the screaming. Everyone okay?" Gin popped in, worriedly.

"I heard friend yell! What happened?!" Kaori's broken speech wafted over them.

"I, I'm okay guys, thanks. Just got a bit jumpy at the thunder is all." Ryozo muttered, embarrassed, as he rubbed the back his neck. Kumiko watched him put the stress ball in his pocket, patting it lovingly.

"Let's all get back to searching then, shall we?" Aiyanna tried to direct, looking sheepish as she did.

"Right, of course. Sorry for the interruption guys." Ryozo apologized.

Going back to their own designated floors, Kumiko left with a backwards glance and an awkward wave to the tattooed boy.

"I never thought Ryozo would be afraid of thunder. He's always so relaxed, it never even crossed my mind." Kumiko announced.

"I suppose everyone has a fear, or something they keep hidden from others." Hiroko said, looking as if remembering something.

"What about you? Do you keep something hidden?" Kumiko questioned.

A few moments passed before Hiroko spoke again. "I was always jealous of my brother. Always. While I got the grades, he wasn't put under the pressure of our parent's gaze. They had a set plan for me, even planned when they'd have me and scheduled when I was born. 'Always get straight A's, Hiroko. You must never slouch, sit straight. You must lose a few pounds, so we're locking away the food until you're back in the preferred weight size. Always do at least 4 extra curricular activities. Don't focus on friends or girls, only study.' Maybe it doesn't sound so bad but it was to me. Never good enough. But... I never got to see my brother often. I always wondered why, I thought he hated me."

"Now I know. While they sent him to boy scouts 340 days of the year... they locked him away when he was home. And I never suspected a thing. That's probably my biggest regret and the thing I always hide."

"You were just a kid though, Hiroko. Sure it's normal for parent's to want the best for their children, but that seems like an excessive way to go about it. And you guys were siblings, there was no need to keep you two apart." Kumiko argued, angry at the antics of the Kusu parents.

"He was my brother... and I should have been there, or noticed the signs. So much for being the ultimate Researcher huh? I can't even notice when my brother is being abused." Hiroko spat out, bitter.

"Again, you were a kid. Kids aren't suppose to notice abuse because there shouldn't have BEEN abuse."

It quiet for a moment before Kumiko heard Hiroko's voice, burdened by guilt. "Do you... think he hates me? Or is he, maybe proud? Maybe he's watching over me, like he always promised to. Or... maybe I'm just being hopeful." Hiroko spoke, balancing herself atop a chair to search up high.

Kumiko looked over at Hiroko, eyes glazed over and biting her bottom lip. "I think he'd be quite proud of you, just as I am."

Turning to the fire dancer, Hiroko burst into tears, hugging Kumiko tightly.

"Come on, it's been a good couple of hours that we've been searching, let's go make food cause I'm sure everyone is hungry too."

"Y, yeah you're probably right." Kumiko assisted Hiroko down, leading them both down the flights of stairs.

Going into the cafeteria, the two girls were pleasantly greeted by the smell of freshly baked bread. Poking their head in, they saw Kaori speaking excitedly to Aiyanna, likely about his new recipe.

When he turned from her, it was almost painful seeing the look of love in Aiyanna's eyes, knowing it'd never be returned in the way she wanted.

But then she caught sight of the two girls and her eyes cleared up. "Hey guys! Me and Kaori are making caramel filled rolls with a chocolate drizzle. The bread is toasted so the caramel oozes out like a lava cake. It's almost done and the others will be here soon if you wanna sit down."

Salivating at the recipe, Kumiko and Hiroko sat down at the table, quickly joined by the others. Without much delay, Aiyanna and Kaori strutted out, each handing their friends 3 rolls each.

Biting into the warm masterpiece, Kumiko and the others groaned with delight, eating vicariously. Not many words were spoken, many drained with all their searching.

Stretching, Ryozo yawned. "I am so fucking tired-"

A loud boom of thunder resonated through the school, shocking them all and causing Ryozo to move wildly, falling out of his chair and bringing Misaki down with him.

"MOTHER FUCKER!" They heard Ryozo yell.

"And on that note, time for bed. Good night all but fuck this shit, I'm out." Ryozo quickly bid them farewell,  dragging Misaki with him in the process, waving goodbye furiously.

"We should go sleep too. Good night everybody." Gin spoke, taking a sleepy Akiko with him.

"Night night friends! I hope t, to see you in the m, morning!" Kaori said as well, with him and Aiyanna speaking softly on the way out.

"So now it my dorm tonight, isn't it?" Kumiko checked with Hiroko.

"That's right. You ready for bed?"

"I sure am. Let's get going."

Walking down the hall to Kumiko's dorm, she swiped the cardkey and they went inside. Still in their pajamas from earlier, there was no need to change. Going into bed with Hiroko on the left side and Kumiko on the right, they went to sleep, hoping to have 8 students still alive in the morning...

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