Chapter Twenty Seven: Clashing Family Matters

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Everyone rushed to the doors, Gin slamming into the steel doors. The force of his lithe body sent them flying open.

Stepping outside, Kumiko stood still as the evening wind blew past her. Screams for their children stopped abruptly as they watched the remaining ten students.

A smug looking woman holding a cigarette walked forward. She was with blond frumpy hair and bright red lipstick, wearing an alarmingly short red dress. Alongside her was a burly brunette man, with ripped jeans and a grey wife beater.

Besides those two was a regal looking man, bald with an Egyptian headdress and a white chiton, complete with gems and a scepter. He was accompanied with two dobermans, snarling and snapping their jaws.

The lady surveyed the students before scoffing, taking a drag off her cigarette. "He got killed I'm guessing. Eh, I don't really care, he's easily replaceable."

The man next to her had a booming laugh. "I'm more interested in the two other brats. Give em back, won't you?"

Having enough of their noncaring attitude, the regal man slammed his scepted onto the pavement, commanding attention. "Enough! Where is my daughter! Where is Kei!"

"Of course, your majesty! Far be it from me to hold her from you! Lemme just... SPLAT!"

Almost on command, two bodies slammed onto the ground, summoning screams from those around.

A cocker spaniel trotted from between the bigger dogs, going towards the non breathing pharoah. Kumiko recalled how Kei had a cocker spaniel at home, which Shockbolt pretended to use as Kei's "gift". This must be that dog.

Sniffing the body who used to be its owner, the dog began to whine, pawing at her side before snuggling into the coldness of her corpse. This caused a surge or protectiveness from the bigger dogs as they protected her fallen body.

"Kei... I am so sorry I was not here to protect you..." the man, Kei's father, covered his face as tears freely fell.

Meanwhile Kenta's parents had a much different reaction. Chuckling under her breath, the woman delivered a harsh kick with her seven inch red heels. "God, could you be any more worthless?"

"Where's the other runts? We know you have them." The dad asked, uncaring.

"Wow. I don't think I've ever seen a less than hysterical reaction to your child dying before. You two are truly disgusting." Even Shockbolt seemed legitimately disgruntled at how they treated the corpse of their firstborn. "Alright usually I don't do this but does anyone want their youngests? I'd rather not send them back to the lions."

"I will." The regal man spoke, glaring at the horrible parents. "I do not care how things may be how you grew up, but where I am from, we don't abuse our young."

"Great! Kids go meet daddy number 2 over there!"

Two shockbolts carried each of the young Asuta siblings as they walked over to the man who offered.

"You can't keep doing this! Those are our children!" A redheaded lady spoke up, likely Gin's mother.

"Oh cry me a river and build a bridge to go over it! I don't give a damn! You should have had a better eye on them I guess. Cause now? They're mine."

With that, voices roared and family members surged forward, desperate to reach their babies.


"Ryozo bro!"


"Kumiko, over here!"

Hearing the last voice, Kumiko dashed over to where her sister and the others were.

"I have never been so happy that you kept Mr. Squiggles sis." Emiko laughed through her tears.

"Thanks Emi, if I didn't have the original ring, I would have never made the distinction between the two."

"Are you ok? It was pretty touch and go for awhile since we couldn't contact you." Katashi spoke.

"Yeah I'm alright. Emi, have you been able to find any more info since our last chat?"

"Nothing much-"


Turning sharply, Kumiko looked to the source of conflict. A woman reached through the fence and was holding Misaki by her shirt. Misaki was terrified and clenching her eyes shut.

Misaki's abusive mom...

"Hey stupid cunt!" A rude nasally voice interrupted.


Maiko went between the two, angrily, and stood between them, acting as a shield. "I didn't know we have trash here, go stand with the other garbage."

"Who the fuck are you?!"

"I'm the bitch whose gonna haunt your fucking dreams! Where do you get off getting physical with my girl?! I oughta punch your crooked ass teeth in, hell maybe I'll make an improvement!"

"This is a FAMILY matter-"

"I don't care if it's for giraffes only, you made it out for everyone to see. So now you get to deal with me. Y'know, I hated Kenta but at least he wasn't as stupid as you are! I hate to break it to you, maybe you missed this class hooking up in the girl's bathroom, but YOU DONT ABUSE YOUR KIDS!"

"You little-"

"Ma'am, please allow me. I can make this bitch quiet real quick." A man approached Maiko and Kumiko watched the rude girl become pale and quiet... fearful.

"Y, you can't b, be here. Why?"

"I just love seeing you in fear of me. Though I'd rather have your mouth full of something else, like last time." He gave a disgusting smirk as Kumiko heard a barely audible word exit the mouth of Maiko.


Bravely, Misaki now shielded Maiko as she stared down the horrible boy.

"I am often seen as a joking gal... but I promise you this. I won't let you get within 5 feet of her, ever again. I know what you did and let me be clear, I have extreme knowledge of taking apart bombs... you don't think the reverse? Just try me bub, I'll have your brain splattered against the pavement."

She stared him down, having his eyes fill with fear before he turned.

"I'm out of here. Lovely seeing you, Maiko, as always."

One by one, everyone left, having said their piece and checking in on their family. Kaori and Gin helped both Maiko and Misaki inside, as both faced their tormentors.

Turning back to her family, Kumiko gave a mirthless laugh. "That was fun."

"Heh. Go inside sweetie. I'm sure the phone will be- Kumiko? KUMIKO?!"

Not even realizing, Kumiko's body went under duress from lack of food, stress and panic and her legs crumbled. Luckily a strong pair of arms caught her before her head hit the ground.

"I gotcha spitfire. I gotcha."

And with that... she blacked out.

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