Chapter Four: First Night

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"Ok dipshits! Time to lay down the law, so to speak."

Everyone looked at the kitsune, seemingly behind a podium. Kumiko couldn't help but fidget as a bad feeling churned inside of her.

I don't like this...

"You lovely ladies and lads, are stuck inside of the lovely Hope's Peak Academy. And while enjoying your stay here, you shall be conducting a game..."

"Why do I have a feeling we aren't going to be liking the game?" Jiro muttered loud enough for the others to hear and agree.

"Eh probably cause you won't. You will be executing a killing school game."

"Alright back the fuck up. Killing school game?" Kenta spoke up, noting that one very important detail.

"Yup! You idiots are not able to get out, as guessed by your bracelets. If you try, I'll have no choice but to zap you. So while you guys are here, you shall be given... motives, so to say. After all I am not heartless enough to think killing is easy!"

"But I am heartless enough to give you the means and motive to do so." The creature began laughing, the sound similar to a scratched record on repeat.

"Who are you?!" Aiyana asked, hysterical.

"I am your loving headmaster, AKA Shockbolt!"

"Now as your headmaster, it's my job to enforce rules on your end! So, I'm only gonna say this once so you'd better listen!"

"1. Don't try to leave or disobey my orders unless you wanna be ELECTRIFIED!

2. You will be given a motive every couple of the days after the last to commit a murder. After a murder is committed, investigation will begin for a limited time until the trial begins where you have to find out who the killer is.

3. If you all decide and the total vote is for the wrong person, obviously the killer's vote is useless, then you ALL get killed besides the true killer who gets to leave.

4. If the total vote is for the CORRECT person, only the killer gets executed and everyone else continues living here.

5. All motives get to have a max of 2 victims. Any others and I'll pop in for a... friendly chat.

6. Don't try to ruin my fun or punishment shall await!"

Everyone was quiet, alarmingly so, until Kenta opened his mouth.

"And what's to stop us from taking you out?"

"...are you stupid or have you just not been listening, Scarface?"

"Without your little zapper, we could easily overpower you. Why don't we just take each other on?" Kenta gave a chilling sneer.

"Oh that's cute. Sure I'll entertain you. Just one question..."


"What made you think there was just ONE of me?"


The fox snapped its... fingers? And then it happened.

The high pitched laughter from literal hundreds of Shockbolt that seemingly came from nowhere. Within seconds, they were completely surrounded.

"Still feeling brave, punk ass?"

Kenta had, thankfully, shut his mouth and swore to himself for opening his mouth in the first place.

Another fingersnap and the other creatures disappeared as quickly as they popped up.

"Now that the dumbass has piped down, I am exhausted and in need of my beauty rest. Night punks!"

Shockbolt walked off stage and out of the room, doors open once more.

"What the hell is this?!" Maiko spat out.

"How is this happening?" Hiroko demanded to know.

"No way am I staying!" Daisuke yelled.

All the voices clashed with one another, the intensity getting to Kumiko. Her ears rang and her breathing sped up.

I... it's happening again. Another panic attack...

I can't breathe...

Emi would always calm me down but... I CAN'T CALM DOWN!

"...Iko? Kumiko!" A voice rang out specifically to her, arms encasing her.

She came back, seeing Kaori in front of her.

"I... I can't..."

"Tell me 5 things you see."


"5 things you see."

"Um... I see your apron, the rubber flooring, my bracelet..."

"Come on, two more."

"I see Ryozo's tattoos and Maiko's hat."

"Great. How are you feeling?"

She looked around, now calm, and saw everyone looking at her. Flushed from the stares, she nodded. "I'm ok."

"Good." Kaori took his hands way and stepped back, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Woah! What was that?!" Misaki asked, getting close in Kumiko's face.

"Ahh, I..." She never got a chance to answer as Hiroko suddenly stepped in front of her, blocking her from the stares.

"I think it'd be best if everyone got rest and leave any PRYING questions be." Her tone was to suggest or rather demand no question be asked at all.

Everyone nodded and Hiroko turned, giving a small smile to Kumiko. "Are you ok to walk back to the dorm you woke up in?"

"Uh yeah. I'll be fine." Kumiko was hopeful her eyes sent her silent gratitude.

Kumiko turned around and rushed out of the room, beating herself up on the way to her dorm.

Another stupid anxiety attack. I really hoped those went away years ago... of course, NOW it came back. Stupid, stupid, stupid...

"If you think any harder, I may actually be able to hear those thoughts."

Turning around, Kumiko came across the tattooed Ryozo, gazing at her a few steps away.

"Oh... Ryozo, right?"

"Aww the pretty girl does remember me." He gave her a small grin, making her flush.

It can not be healthy to always turn red at the smallest bit of attention.

"So what was that?"

"Oh that. Sorry, I usually get pretty bad anxiety attacks when I'm particularly overwhelmed."

"Well next time..." he threw something at her, barely catching it. "Use that instead."

She saw it was a pretty brownish red stress ball used to calm down. She looked up to see him giving her a gentle and charming smile.

"Thanks Ryozo. I appreciate it." Rushing forward, she caught him off guard with a warm hug.

When she pulled away, he had a smile planted on his face and a light flush.

He ruffled her hair and walked off to his own room. "Night Spitfire."

Smiling at her new item, Kumiko also found her way back to the room. She swiped her cardkey and entered the room. She placed the key and the stress ball on her desk before yawning. Shaking away her exhaust for the moment, she slipped off her clothing and pulled a set of green soft pajamas.

Pulling her hair out of the bun it was in, she walked over to the bed, her feet padding along the floor.

And without much effort, she was lulled to sleep with the knowledge that, even though she was locked into a nightmare... maybe just maybe, she'd have some friends along the way.

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