Chapter Twenty Eight: Steady Inventory

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"Ugh..." Kumiko groaned, being awakened by Shockbolt's usual spiel. Rubbing her head, she looked around, dazed and confused.

While this room is familiar, it's definitely not my dorm...

"Morning spitfire. Sleep well?"

"Ryozo? What happened, why am I here?"

"Well as most of the families were leaving, you passed out. I caught you before you hit the ground but we couldn't wake you up. Hiroko suggested you rest until your body woke up on your own, but I obviously don't have your cardkey so I used mine to let you sleep here."

"Oh... once again, you've been stuck babysitting me, it seems." Kumiko frowned, sad over burdening Ryozo once more.

"Hey, where's that smile, pretty girl? I honestly don't mind it, if that's what you're worried about." Ryozo bumped his shoulder against hers, trying to invoke a smile from her.

"Are you sure? It must be so bothersome- GAH!"

Laughing, he lifted Kumiko over his shoulder, like a sack of potatoes. He rested one of his arms over the hem of her dress, as to not flash anyone, while she laughed.


"Sorry, can't hear you over the sound of being bothered." He threw her words back at her as he exited the dorm, the door closing after them.


"Ooo, the first AND last name. Now it's serious."

"I swear, I'm going to-"

"What are you gonna do? Dance me to death? As hot as that sounds, both figuratively and literary, I'm gonna have to pass."

Amongst their argument, she almost didn't realize they had company.

"Uh hey Kumiko," she recognized Hiroko's voice. "Is this some kind of trend I'm unaware of?"

"She thinks she's bothering me when I take care of her."

"And your solution was to drag her ass around? Effective. "

"Thanks, I thought so too. Mind getting the doors for me?"


"Weird, almost thought I heard something." Ryozo's amused voice trailed off.


"Must of been a bird." Hiroko shrugged.

"Both of you suck the biggest of-"

"Maybe later, if you ask me nice enough." Ryozo smirked, though was unseen by his unwilling cargo.

"I beg your tattooed, mommy issued pardon?"

The two on ground laughed away at Kumiko's cherry red face before reaching the cafeteria. Quickly approaching a chair, Ryozo set her down, preparing for her tiny fists bombarding his chest.


"Shush and take your medicine, you aggressive tiny woman."

"Hmph." Turning from the amused boy, she spotted Kaori coming from the kitchen. "Hi Kaori! Did you make breakfast this morning?"

"Mmhm! Me make Egypt Food! For friend... is called, ful medames."

Kaori placed a delicious looking entree in front of everyone. A type of beans, called Fava beans apparently, with oil drizzled along with salt and several eggs and peas.

"Very interesting. I'm sure Kei would be so proud of you for making one of her favored foods, Rori." Kumiko smiled at the big guy, making him turn a light pink.

Taking her pills followed by a gulp of apple juice, she dug into the food. Soon enough, everyone had finished their food and was silent.

"So, um since there is no designated leader anymore, I thought I'd take the role. Any thoughts?" Hiroko asked, uncertain.

No one spoke up nor gave any body language disagreeing with her so she nodded as a way of acceptance. "I guess first now that we've eaten and a new day has begun, we should pair again and search the newly opened fourth floor. So who wants to be paired with who?"

"I'll go with Misaki, I guess." Maiko said casually.

"Awww, Mai-mai!! You do like me!!" She glomped the gremlin known as Maiko, causing the smaller one to glare.

"Don't push it."

"I'll go with Jiro. You ready man?" Gin offered.

"Hell yeah." Jiro fist bumped the other gay teen, with an explosion at the end.

"How about it big guy? You and me?" Aiyanna asked sweetly.

"Okie friend! I explore with Yanna." He said happily.

"Can... you come with m, me, Ryozo?" Akiko asked, stuttering.

"Yea doll. I don't mind." He smiled, ruffling her hair.


"That leaves me and you, Kumi." Hiroko said, smiling.

"It sure does, Roko."

"Ok then, we'll all meet in the Gymnasium after we finish our discoveries then. See you all soon."

Everyone slowly left, Hiroko and Kumiko being the last. They traveled in silence, comfortable with one another.

They ascended to the fourth floor and immediately, Kumiko had to shield her eyes.

"Oh my lord... that is repulsive."

There was an odd three dimensional neon orange pattern, with smells of bile, splattered on walls and neon green carpeting that made them all dizzy.

Opening the first door they found, Kumiko was surprised it was a nurse's office. It was an odd color scheme though. Yellow floor tiling and crumbling yellow spotted wallpaper, with sea green furniture. Furniture as chairs, cabinets, stools...

"Wow I never would have thought this place even had a nurse's office." Hiroko said, mystified.

"Probably so it has SOME semblance of a normal school. But the air feels... off. Like it's stale, or something." Kumiko said, rubbing her arms as a chill ran up her spine.

"No... it feels like someone died here. That's also what it smells like." Hiroko said, disgusted.

"Let's look in the cabinets and such before going back." Kumiko offered as an idea.

"Good idea."

The two girls opened each cabinet door and drawer. They were almost done when Kumiko heard a loud gasp come from Hiroko.

"Everything okay, Roko?"

"You remember those files Kenta mentioned about the Japanese killing game participants? Including the one on my brother?"

"Yeah why?"

"I think I just found ours too."

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