Getting to know each other

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Razor p.o.v

After the sat down with my baby mother two days ago, I started to think about my life a little bit differently. Like do I want this life for my children or can they live this life with me, also what would I do if I quit this lifestyle which is the only thing I ever known.


"What is it man you look like your doing some serious thinking" said cade.

"Yeah man" I said not really wanting to get into details and telling anyone what's going on with me.

"Do want to talk about it"

" Not really"

"whatever you say man but you know that am here for you if you want to talk".


Later that morning I had gotten I phone call from Carla saying that we could have the get together at the park, which I agreed on because from what I picked up from her two days ago is that she is very timid to the idea of me having the kids around a bunch of bikers she didn't know.

I got up from the couch and went to the kitchen and got a cup of ice water from the fridge which was so refreshing surprisingly good and made my way up stairs to shower.

My room wasn't anything too put together it had a bunch of books that i needed to finish reading and some clothes on the floor. I went into the bathroom took my clothes off and have my shower. 


I made it to the park and got off my bike and looked around to see a lot of families having a good time eating and laughing and me hoping to reach that stage with my kids when i get to fully know them and them me. 

" Ivor over here" someone shouted i turned around to see that it is carla calling me over to them so i went.

" Hey guys"

" Hi you're finally here kids say hi to ivor"

" Hi ivor" two little shy voices said.

I waved at them " How can you tell them apart they look so much alike " 

" Well it's not that easy to but xander has birth mark on the back of his leg while xavier has a scar on his back from me giving birth to him"

" Ok so how are we going to do this do we tell them now are after they finish playing" 

" I think we should tell them now"

" Ok"

" Kids can you guys come here for a second mommy has something important to tell you." They ran over looking adorable as hell i couldn't help but smiled. Sitting  on the blanket they waited patiently for carla to  say something.

" So umm this is your father ivor i hope that you guys can get to know him and bond". I know it's going to take some time for them to get used to the idea of me been their father but regardless if they don't at least they got to know me.

" Your our dad ".They both said at the same time which was kinda creepy.

" Yes i know i've been absent from your lives but hope that you guys would be ok that am hear know".

After all the the introductions we sat and ate some food that carla carried with her and we had a good time. " It's getting late we should pack and head home" said carla. nodding my head yes she packed up the stuff and head to car while i carried the kids.

" We should do this tomorrow again this was nice ".

She smiled " Yes definitely ". I waved them goodbye then got on my bike and road off but evening in my happy state i felt like am been watched and that is worrying me.

I know its been a while but here is chapter hope you enjoy.






Razor (Brotherhood MC)Where stories live. Discover now