67: No Materialistic Mentality

Start from the beginning

'So you are not interested to go outside and to the human world?' Karl walks over to her. It's one of the last things I'll try. 'Unless you prefer to stay indoors.' 

'You're not answering my question.' She refuses to leave her chair. Can't you just answer one lousy question? 

He shakes no with his head. Why would I answer your question if you don't answer mine? 

'I'll make this easy for you. If you ask me a question, you expect an answer, right?' She makes eye contact with him. 


'If I do something wrong, you would either punish me or lock me up in the dungeon, right?' She asks simple questions. 

He nods. 'Where is this going?' 

'No matter what I say, you do want me to be honest and answer you instead of ignoring a question?' She continues.  

Again, he agrees with a nod. 

'Then why aren't you doing the same with me?' She takes a deep breath. 'Communication comes from two sides. You cannot expect me to be honest, respectful, and open about things if you don't give that same treatment back to me. I'm here for three days now and all this time you have been nice to me and trying to charm me by giving me gifts.' She points to the table. 'I mean a jewelry set, a dress, shoes, clothes, and these bracelets. You cannot bribe me or pay all these things just to win me over. I have no materialistic mentality, Karl. I don't go shopping so easily unless I need some things. Jewelry, I couldn't care less about it. I only have these ear studs and a simple necklace.' 

His demeanor changes. 'Why is it that you women always act like spoiled little children when the presents don't live up to expectation?' 

'What expectations? I'm not delusional or that I have expectations. What you want is something that I want as well and that is respect, honesty, and communication. I believe in equal exchange. I'll do something for you if you are willing to do something in return. It's that simple.' She explains. 'So I'll ask again. What is it that you want from me?' 

'You are telling me that this is your motivation? Something that you live by?' So you have values and morals, after all. He thinks about it and makes up his mind. 'You are lucky that I need you alive. I would kill if anyone would react the way you just did.' 

She is tempted to look outside again. 'Then why do you need me alive? I'm here because you want something from me. Why are you being so vague about it? And why does it take so long?' Geez, maybe I need to give him the silent treatment like I did with Kino. Nothing is more annoying than that! 

'I understand that you don't want to go outside. You could've said no. Instead you waste my time.' He goes to the door. 'You can stay in here and cool off. I won't let you go outside unless you apologize for your behavior.' He opens the door. 

'Why would I apologize? Why is it that you fail to see that I react this way because of how you treat me? Every action has a reaction. Oh, and I never asked for presents or to be spoiled. It says more about how you view women. You don't even try to get to know me, you just assume that I'm like one of those women.' You had Cordelia, Beatrix, and Christa in the past. I'm just a puppet in your game while I don't know the game or the rules. 

'That's enough, Miyu.' He can see the fire in her eyes. 

'Is it? Is it enough that you will think about what you're doing to me? From my perspective, you are just another man who kidnapped me and locked me up. Sure, the room is fancier but it's still a prison of some sort.' She isn't done with him yet. 'And I'm here because you want something but you keep me in dark about it. Did you expect me to treat you as a hero? A knight in shining armor?' 

'Don't take me for a fool.' Karl slams the door closed. 

A fool? No, you're just like Kino. You are the king and expect everyone to bow to you, obey you, and show respect. Miyu shakes her head and sits on the chair again. 'You fail to see what this is about.' 


'Almost four days here.' Miyu hasn't forgotten the argument with Karl. Pff, I need a dork in aluminum foil who can make me laugh with a shoulder to cry on but mostly someone I can trust and who will support me. Up until now, each and every one of you proves that I cannot trust you. There is always an ulterior motive driving them. She makes herself comfortable in the chair after enjoying a bath. Almost time to go to bed. 

'Milady Miyu?' A voice carries through the door and with a knock. 

She wants to get up but changes her mind. I'm sure the door is locked. 'What is it?' 

'Can I come in?' The woman nods to a soldier. 

What is it this time? 'Yes.' 

The door opens and a maid comes inside with a bouquet of flowers. 'This is from the king.' 

'Hold it, is there a card or note?' She wants to know while getting up. Is he apologizing or what? She gets a small card. Dinner tomorrow. Don't be late. Really, just five words and no sign of an apology? Do you believe that you are always right and everyone else is wrong? And why do I see things or traits from him in Kino? Is he... a Sakamaki? Maybe? Hmm, I could go and see if he apologizes. If not, I can turn around and go back to my room. She recognizes the maid since she comes every day with food. 


𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐤 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝐄𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬𝐞Where stories live. Discover now