The boy smiled lightly and hugged her back.


"No!"Nobara screamed and fell to her knees in front of a store.

The boys sighed as she yelled "You animals! I was on time!"

"We can go to another-"Nobara cut Megumi off with a dramatic gasp.

"How dare you! Your own mother is coming home and you don't care?!"

Megumi stared with a blank face before saying "I never said that"

"We needed to buy her something from this store! She would've loved a jewelry bracelet"The girl spoke.

"Don't worry I'll just give her my gift..."Gojo giggled out as his cheeks turned red.

The teens stared at him and then slammed their fists on top of his head.


They turned to see Itadori running towards them and said "She's here!"

Soon they started running at a fast speed, making people flinch at how they would zip pass them. They finally make it to Jujutsu Tech and saw Norie stepping out of Yagas office.

She had came back from a business trip and delivered any messages to Yaga, she jumped when she heard "NORIE-SENSEI!"

Norie turned and saw the three teens and Gojo running towards her, she smiled and ran to them with open arms.

"Move!"Gojo yelled harshly and shoved the teens away.

They yelled as they flew across the courtyard as he called out happily "Baby!"

But he cut himself off when he ran into a tree face first, Gojo quickly pulled back and held his nose. His face dropped when he saw the others.

"My babies! I missed you so much"Norie spoke as she had the three teens squished together in a hug while placing kisses on top of their heads.

They smiled as Gojo puffed up his cheeks in anger and walked towards them, the three teens smirked at him and they all stick their middle fingers up towards him.

"Um hello?! What about your husband?!"he spoke.

Norie looked up at him and smiled, she let then teens go and walked towards him.

"I missed you too"she says and held his face in her hands.

Gojo smiled and relaxed his face in her hold, Norie brought him down and placed her lips on his. He sighed as he kissed her back, Gojo then opened his eyes and stuck his middle finger up to the teens.

Their faced dropped as they started yelling but they couldn't hit him since Norie was there, the teens then grabbed a Gojo mannequin they created last week and started whacking it with branches as Megumi used a rock to smash against the mannequins throat.

Though Gojo didn't see since he pulled Norie closer by the waist and kissed her more deeply, she smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck while running her fingers through his hair.

my baby, my infinity (Gojo Satoru)Where stories live. Discover now