After Katherine left, Klaus looked down, presently surprised that his niece was up and moving after the unexpected nap he gave her. "You're up, wonderful!" He crouched down to her level. "You can carry Elijah, but if you even think about removing the dagger," His tone lost the cheerful aspect. "You will never see your father again. Understood?"

Theta glared through watery eyes. "You wish for me to carry my father's corpse after you snapped my neck, wasting my energy?"

Her uncle just waved her off. "You can use your magic." He put one hand onto both of their shoulders. "Come, we have places to be."


The three are in a warehouse, surrounded by the Mikaelson family sleeping in their designated coffins. Theta kneeled in front of her Father’s casket, placing her forehead gently onto the wood, closing her eyes. 

Normally, she would risk waking everyone up, but Klaus was smart. He still hasn't let her feed after waking up herself and she knew he wouldn't allow her till they put quite a distance from her family and Mystic Falls. It was one of the downsides of being an angel vampire hybrid, blood is still needed for full power.

"I suppose, brother, you've been reunited with most of our family." Klaus mumbles to himself then turns to the two men. "Put him with the others. We're leaving town tonight." The original hybrid pulls Theta away from Elijah's wooden prison and turns to Stefan, who is checking his phone. "So... Did Katerina make it in time?"

Stefan avoided the topic, switching to try and mock him. "You won't be seeing her again, you know." 

"Because she's on vervain?" The hybrid phrased it like a question, but the other two knew he was being rhetorical. "I've been around a long time, Stefan. I rarely get played for a fool. Besides, she won't get far. You'll help me see to that."

Stefan raised an eyebrow. "What is it you really want from me?"

Klaus waves him off. "All will be explained in time. Once we leave this tragic little town."

"Then can we go?" Theta snapped. She was emotionally drained and the feeling of her throat was starting to bug her. "I need to feed after what you did to me, and we both know you won't let me till we're gone." She was not at all happy with being less than a hundred percent.

Klaus ignored the snark in his niece's voice. "Not quite. You see, I have a gift for Stefan." He gestured a teenage girl in to the room. "Come here, sweetheart. Don't be afraid. See, I wanna make sure you honor our deal... That you'll be of use to me." Niklaus bites into her neck as she squirms. "I could have compelled her to behave, but a real ripper enjoys the hunt." 

Stefan, with no control, rushes towards her, biting her neck with vigor. Theta's eyes vamp out but she looked away, not wanting to see someone she cared about lose themselves.

"Now we can go." Klaus tells the two as the girl drops to the floor, dead.


Before they started the road trip, they stopped at the hospital that was in the next town over. The two sat in the front, waiting for Stefan to get back with the blood bags.

"This brings back old times, doesn't it?" Klaus said to Theta. "You, Me, having some Uncle and Niece bonding time."

Theta refused to look at him. "I am not going on your quest to make hybrids to bond with you."

"Then why you coming?" He questioned. "For your father?" He got no reaction. "For Stefan?" Theta's scowl deepend. "Ah, so it's the handsome Stefan. I thought you were interested in that little human, Jeremy."

"Do not try to gossip." Theta drummed her fingers on the dash. "It doesn't look good for someone your age."

Klaus' smile grew at that. "Oh! Looks like I struck a nerve." His head leaned closer. "Are you hoping now that the doppelganger's dead, he will fall for you again?"

The angel vampire hybrid's eye twitched at that. One, she didn’t know if Elena Gilbert was alive. For all she knew, the doppelganger could have chosen not to transition. Two, she was pissed at her uncle for bringing up something that was his fault. "There would not be an 'again' if you simply didn't make him forget." Klaus went to say something after that, but Theta saw Stefan walking out of the hospital with two coolers. "Stefan's back. If you would excuse me." She jumped out of the car not even a second later.

"Here, let me help." She grabbed one of the coolers, bringing it closer to the trunk.

"Thanks." He mumbled, walking alongside her.

She gave a side glance into the car, seeing her uncle not paying attention, she used some of her remaining energy to cast a silent charm. "Did Elena complete the transition?" Stefan looked at her in panic, she then calmed him down. "I casted a spell. He won't be able to hear us till we sit in the car."

Stefan's shoulders relaxed at the information before tensing again. He didn’t want Theta to know, not wanting her to get into even more trouble with her Uncle. But Stefan knew she had a thing when it came to lying. However, he realized that Elena didn't need to complete the transition because she was still human, therefore not lying. "No, no she didn't."

"I know it will not mean much coming from me, but I am truly sorry for your loss." Theta said.

Stefan didn’t have any other words for her to hear, so he placed his one cooler in the truck and headed to the back seat.

Theta copied his movements a second afterwards, but headed to the front seat instead. Both knew that this was going to be a long trip.


Season two is complete!!!! I can't believe it, only taking me what, two year?😅

Season three will began soon!!!


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