chapyer twenty eight

262 1 0

tw- sexual harassment

Alexis PierceWith Harry almost going off to college in a few days, we have been doing everything together

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Alexis Pierce
With Harry almost going off to college in a few days, we have been doing everything together. He's started to pack a bag ready for his car ride there, and his mom bought him a few things he'd need.

Because he's studying music for this year, he has to bring his guitar with him. He's been teaching me guitar a lot, I know what chords are, how to play them and the strumming pattern for girl crush.

We've also been hooked onto each other like hooks, not letting each other go and forgetting that other people live in our houses. We've been caught, walked in and and heard many times. Anne and Ava are the worse for it.

Harry doesn't have a lock on his door, Gemma never comes into his room, Robin's always working but Anne just forgets to listen or for us or knock. So she's been scared a few times. We now put something on his door handle so they know not to come in and it's worked a few times.

I swear I'm running out of orgasms, he's had to buy more condoms because we use like two a day at this point. It's crazy. But the condoms he has doesn't make me flare up, and it literally feels like he's wearing nothing, to me anyway.

My mom doesn't like Harry coming over if we're horny. She doesn't mind Harry coming over it's just if we're gonna fuck all the time, she hates hearing us, and because of Ava.

But we can't help it, we just fuck in his car now because we've pissed off almost everyone these past three days. Getting high was fun and nice to experience but I was also dry..and we had to stop. I passed right out when we got back to my room.

But today was the day before Harry goes to college, so we're just spending our time together. We went bowling, I won. Then we went to this fair thing we saw, he won me a teddy which I loved so much, it just reminded me off him now.

We then went out for dinner, it being dark as we went for a walk in the city. The lights were so pretty, I hadn't actually been to the city much. His hand was in mine, my teddy was under my denim jacket, close to me.

We stopped in at a bar, for him to get a drink and I would sip lemonade. I didn't mind if he had a drink, it's his last few nights here. A few boys my age were looking me up and down but Harry scared them right off.

"Will you be alright here by yourself for a minute?" I asked, needing to pee.

"Where are you going?"


"I should go with you," he says but I shake my head.

"It's just the bathroom, I'll be a few minutes," I smile. "Promise,"

He nods timidly. I get up and walk around groups of men drinking and playing poker or pool, cheering on the football games to get to the bathrooms. I triple check it was woman's and walk into the empty restroom.

I lock myself in a stall and pee quickly, finishing up and washing my hands. I don't waist time because I told Harry I'd be quick. I shake my hands dry and fix my hair by putting some over my ears, putting more lip balm on.

The foundation I had over my neck was about to be sweat off as well, they just looked like faint hickeys though. I walk out the bathroom, feeling a few eyes on me. I walk past one group playing pool and drinking beer, but as I was walking past I felt a hand grab my ass which made me gasp and spin around quickly.

A tall bald man just smirks at me. I just stare with my lips parted a little. "That mini dress could do wonders with me," he looks me up and down, making me pull my dress down as far as I could.

I didn't speak, couldn't speak. I just stare. "What are you doing here all alone?" he steps over to me, making me step back. He reaches out but I slap his cheek harshly, his head shooting left from the contact.

"Bold of you to assume I'm alone," I mutter.

"You're a slut, walking around like this and then slapping someone," he shakes his head, tutting.

"I don't waste my time on people like you," I step back, making him step towards me again. I didn't know if Harry was watching this or not, I also didn't know if I was in his line of view.

"You should. You a virgin?"

"Bold of you to ask," I bat my eyelashes.

"You look innocent," he looks at my lips making me laugh.

"Very bold of you to assume," I step forward, he leans down because I motioned him too. I hold his broad shoulders and whisper; "Considering you don't know what my next move will be,"

I nail my knees into his crotch, making him whimper. "Don't mess with me, got it?" I mutter, he falls to his knees and holds his crotch. "My boyfriend wouldn't like it so much," I stride away and I just see Harry stare at me with his lips parted a little and wide eyes.

He saw all of that.

"Sorry that took so long," I breathe out, sipping my lemonade in the glass.

"Are you okay?" he asks straight away. "I saw all of that," he sounds concerned.

"I'm okay," I nod. "But of a shock, but I'm okay,"

"I stayed here, I saw it happen but I remember what you said about you wanting to handle things on your own until you look like you need help," he tucks hair behind my ears. "It was so fucking hard," he whispers.

I feel my heart warm with that said. "I told you I can handle some things,"

He cups my cheeks, putting his forehead on mine. "Can I go beat that guy up now?" he pouts.

"It's not worth it,"

"He just grabbed you,"

"I know..but I'm okay," I look over at the guy fixing himself up, staring at me. Harry looks too, which makes him stare hard at Harry.

"Fucking asshole," he sneers.

I cup his jaw and kiss him passionately so he knows that Harry's my boyfriend. He rolls his eyes and disappears into his group of friends. I pull away with a smack of our lips. "I love you,"

"I love you," he whispers back.

my best friends brother 2 || h.s ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora