Chapter 1

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Aiden's POV

Aiden lounged on the sofa as he sat in front of the fire in the living room. The warmth was welcoming but not necessary. Werewolves body heat ran higher than humans and could withstand most temperature.

His girlfriend Jasmine was latched onto him like he was the last male survivor of the werewolf race. Most days her affection was a welcome distraction but her feather-light kisses were starting to annoy him.

His Dad was also beginning to question his choice of girlfriend, with Aiden being at the prime age to find his mate.

Like everyone else, Aiden wanted his mate but since he hadn't found her yet, he wasn't going to deny himself the simple pleasures of life.

Jasmine would make a good replacement anyway if he didn't find her.

His wolf James was disgusted with his behaviour. He wanted to stay pure for his mate but Aiden, as usual, ignored him.

His relationship with Jasmine was off and on. As of this week, they were currently back together.

"There's a new girl arriving tomorrow" Kat announces entering the room.

Jasmine halts in her kissing and Aiden for once is grateful for his sister's interruption.

"Yeah I heard she's human" Another voice enters the conversation and he instantly recognises it as his Beta's.

Aiden pulls away from Jasmine much to her distaste, sitting up on the lounge.

"Donovan, what do you know about her?" Kat asks, taking a seat on the couch across from Aiden. She eyes the two of them, disgust swirling in her blue eyes.

"Not much" He moves to the fireplace, leaning against the mantelpiece, "I've heard they're coming today though, moving into the house at the edge of the woods"

Aiden groans, "We'll need to warn the pack to stay away from the edge of the forest".

The last thing they needed in Norhaven was sighting of werewolves. Some of the townspeople had lived here for generations and knew of the existence of wolves. However, most of the human population were oblivious.

"She's our age though, she could be your mate"

"Mate" Aiden laughs at the thought. "She won't be my mate for long"

He cuddles up closer to Jasmine, placing a small kiss on her forehead, much to the horror of his sister and Beta.

"Then I'll be leaving this pack" Kat grumbles under her breath

"And where would you go" Aiden snaps, watching her carefully.

"I've heard the Everdale pack accepts rogue wolves, maybe-"

A growl from both Aiden and Donovan halts her sentence. "I will not stay in a pack where she is Luna" She stares accusingly at Jasmine

Aiden takes a deep breath trying to reign in his anger. "This pack needs a Luna, Kat. Dad is handing down the Alpha title and if I want to rule, I need a Luna by my side"

"You're not leaving this pack, Katherine" He threatens, his brows raised daring her to question him

He thought that would silence his sister long enough to change the topic, but as usual, she always had to have the last say. "Just because you haven't found your mate yet doesn't mean Jasmine is going to be Luna".

She holds a sweet smile but her words were just as threatening as his. Aiden was certain that she would leave if Jasmine became Luna.

Aiden knew Kat was right, she wasn't fit to be Luna. She was only with him because he was the Alpha and because she wanted the Luna position. He didn't even think she liked him, but with school starting soon he needed to have Jasmine by his side, without her the hundreds of unmated females would pounce on him like a pound of raw meat.

"What about the human" Donovan voices, Aiden had forgotten about him, standing quietly to the side of the room. Usually, Donovan sided with Aiden however his Beta learnt long ago not to cross Kat.

"The human won't be my mate"

"But if she is?" Kats squeaky voice enters the conversation again.

Aiden sighs, "A human Luna, will be the downfall of this pack. I won't be able to focus on ruling when I know that she'll always be in danger. Being human makes her vulnerable, she won't be able to protect herself.

Kat tries to speak but with the harsh look Aiden throws her she finally stays quiet.

There was another reason that Aiden didn't want a human mate. It was without doubt that he would fall in love with her, but he was an Alpha.

Being his mate, she was constantly going to be in danger, and with the Everdale pack so close, he wouldn't underestimate them to kidnap his mate to undermine their pack.

Despite the act, he gave Donovan and Kat, he would reject her not because she was human but because he would want her to live a long and carefree life, without the fear of rogues and neighbouring pack attacks.

Holding his sigh, Aiden watches as his sister storms off, unhappy with how the conversation played out. Donovan soon follows her.

Hoping to forget about his troubles for a few minutes longer, Aiden moves closer to Jasmine as her lips seize his.

Author's Note

So first chapter up, so excited to hear your comments and thoughts


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