"Calum says I'm weird and that they all think I'm weird and don't want me there." he said and she scoffed. She lightly grabbed his arm and stopped them. He flinched and she noticed but didn't say anything.

"Have you seen Calum? He's weird as shit. She boy has bipolar issues." He sighed and didn't have anything else to say.


Michael and Allana luckily had the same lunch period. So he decided to sit with her. He listened to her as she talked about her life. How she moved from Pittsburgh in America to Australia.

It's funny cause he lived like 4 hours away from Pittsburgh. She was still talking and Michael got distracted by Luke walking with some tall skinny strawberry blonde haired girl.

"Who's that?" He asked and Allana looked to where he was talking about and she made a scoff.

"That's Rebecca trashé. Lukes girlfriend." Michael furrowed his eyebrows at her last name. Rebecca trash? Is she being serious?

"Did you say trash?"

"Oh gosh don't say that to her she'll say 'no no it's trashé'" Allana said and Michael slightly chuckled.

He looked back over at her and saw she was practically attached hip to hip with Luke. But she was also glaring over at Michael.


"She's looking at us." Michael said and Allana looked over and indeed saw her glaring.

"Hey trashé slut, look away! We don't want your diseases!" Allana shouted and Rebecca stood up and whispered something to Luke and then he looked over at them. Michael immediately looked away.

"Oh god. We might have to move." Allana said in annoyance as she set down her iPhone.

Rebecca and Luke then walked over to their table. Michael slightly looked down at the untouched food. He didn't want any trouble and he could tell that's all she is.

"So you're Lukes new like step brother?" Rebecca asked and Michael just ignored her. He just focused on the dried up sandwich. How can people eat this stuff? It doesn't even taste like food?

"are you gonna answer me freak?!" Rebecca shouted. Michael looked over and saw that Luke and Rebecca's hands were intertwined.

"Gosh Rebecca, he doesn't want to speak to you. Nobody likes you." Allana said to her.

"I wasn't asking you miss I'm always dying my hair different colors cause I'm freak." Rebecca snapped and Allana laughed humorlessly.

"Better to be a freak than a slut." Michael mentally laughed at his friends words. Rebecca turned back to Michael who still hasn't moved or speak.

But then she did something, something that he was hoping he never had to happen to him again. She grabbed his arm and yanked him up and her nails harshly dug into his skin. He gasped loudly and pulled his arm out of her harsh grip.

He stared at the confused but annoyed girl with wide eyes. He suddenly started getting flashbacks of Dave and his mother. All the times they have hurt him and his sister. When they hurt him and make Macy watch.

He felt tears rise in his eyes and he shook his head before running out of the cafeteria and into the boys bathroom. He ran to the stall in the back that's known as the handicap stall.

He ran to the corner and dropped bringing his knees to his chest. Loud painful sobs echoed threw the bathroom. It's just everything that happened. It's all catching up with him.

He looks down at his arm noticing drops of blood sliding down his arm. There was faded scars all across his arms. No they weren't self inflicted.

Dave use to do it.

He would try to hurt Macy and Michael would push him away or punch him. He would always take the beating. Very few things have happened to Macy but it would be a lot worse if Michael hadn't stopped him. So that was his punishment.

Dave would carve words into the pale smooth skin.






All words that he can still see.

"Michael?!" Ashton asked while rushing into the bathroom. He ran to the back and tried knocking on the stall.

He hated the sound of Michaels painful sobs

He looked at floor in disgust and then crawled under the stall. His heart nearly broke at the sight. Michael was curled up in the corner with swollen cheeks and never ending tears streaming down his face.

He walked over holding out his arms but me noticed Michael flinch and scurried more into the wall.

"Michael I'm not gonna hurt you." Ashton said sadly. Michael looked at him confused but Ashton sat down next to him.

Michael then went and wrapped his arms around Ashtons waist and cried into his neck. Ashton wrapped his arms around michaels neck, trying to comfort the sad boy.

"What's wrong?"

"I want Macy." Michael cried out and clutching onto Ashton.

"Who's Macy? Is she here in Australia?" Ashton asked while holding onto Michael

"T-They w-won't let m-me see her."

"Who is she?"

"My entire world."

(A/N :-((((

Poor Mikey... Rebecca on the side. Never really liked Bella Thorne or Zendaya. So zendaya will probably be Rebecca's friend later on in the story. What should be her name?

Also thank you so much to the people who read and vote and comment on this. It means a lot!!

ily all so much

Also what's your thoughts of this chapter?

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