I, Izuku

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I used to be a hero, like I'd always dreamed. My quirk was quite unusual for the average hero but it gave me an advantage. Sure there were severe drawbacks afterwards but it was worth it in the moment. To see the relief and slight shock in the eyes of the people I saved, all to be a hero. It gave me a reason to live. That reason died away years ago.

April 5th, 2022 7:45 am
I woke up this morning in a cold sweat, ever since that day I've had a terrible time sleeping, and when I did there was always a nightmare slinking nearby. This time it was like a reenactment, truly horrifying but left me more sad than scared. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if Kacchan stayed the night I was put in the hospital, hell, even visited in the month I was stuck there. If he picked up my calls or answered my texts. It's fine, I understand. I could never truly befriend him so I can see why he didn't care after I was no longer his coworker. I sighed and rubbed my face, turned and checked my phone. Well shit. I woke up late. I only have- I ONLY HAVE 15 MINUTES TO BE THERE!
I dash through the house, sprinting back and forth to get ready.

April 15th, 2022 8:20
"Damn Midorya, you're really cutting it close today huh?" Denki laughed.
(Denki dropped out of UA because he was bullied for his low grades and short circuiting)
"Quite Kaminari, or you can help with these reports." I sighed.
"Why the long face, I heard we finally got that new boss. Plus based off our female colleges, he's apparently very handsome. Hell, maybe he'll be to your likin-"
"Denki, shut the fuck up." I levitated his tie just a little far back, choked him a bit for a scare.
"Okay Midorya I'm sorry, but you still need to put yourself out there. How you gonna like boys and girls and still get no game?" Denki bit his lip to hold a laugh.
"Because when I see the one I'll know. Besides what are the chances our boss will be the one, like one in a mill-"
And that's when I saw him.

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